‘Banning Political Activism On Campus Is Wrong’

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‘Banning Political Activism On Campus Is Wrong’

The Namibia National Students Organisation (Nanso) does not welcome the ban on political activities at the University of Namibia (Unam).

Nanso president Dorthea Nangolo yesterday told Desert Radio this policy stifles students’ rights.

The university came under fire last week after a group of students participated in an unauthorised march at the main campus.

The institution issued a countywide ban on political activities at its campuses in April.

“As Nanso, our stance has always been that we do not welcome the policy, because Unam is an institution that offers political science as a course.

“The fact that it offers such means it recognises the role of politics and the role of shaping young people and their participation in politics, governance and overall democracy in the country,” Nangolo said.

She said the institution grooms politicians and young people to participate in the country’s political landscape.

“The university has registered political societies whose mandates are to carry out political activities. We also have societies that are registered as youth leagues of various political parties.

“Having such a policy that says you are automatically deregistering these societies whose mandates are to carry out politics at the institution is wrong,” Nangolo said.

She said no other platform apart from the university provides students exposure to different political parties.

“The moment we do not allow such activities to take place at our institutions, we are automatically preventing young people from being informed about politics and shape,” Nangolo said.

Banning such activities means “a certain calibre of politicians” will be lost, she said.

“Young people are the majority of voters at this time. It does not make sense to register political societies, and at the same time you cut out on their mandates,” she said.


Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) lawmaker Inna Hengari says student politics has given birth not only to her but a number of young politicians.

“Such directives go beyond the spirit and letter of the Constitution and what it intended for all Namibians,” she says.

“Is it really right that the university is registered as a registration point or a polling station? Are all these activities not political in their nature?