A Key to Achieving National Housing Goals,” Geingob – Namibia Daily News

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A Key to Achieving National Housing Goals,” Geingob – Namibia Daily News

By Kaleb Nghishidivali

WINDHOEK, December 15 — In a recent address to the nation, President Dr. Hage G. Geingob emphasized the crucial role of Harambee in realizing the ambitious objectives and targets outlined in the National Housing Policy and Implementation Action Plan. Geingob said this at the official handover of 89 completed houses built by the Mass Housing Development Programme (MHDP) in Swakopmund. The president affirms that only through collaborative action, unity of purpose, and involvement of all stakeholders can the nation scale the summit of national housing delivery.

The concept of Harambee, a Swahili word meaning “pulling together,” has been deeply embedded in the ethos of Namibia since independence. It symbolizes unity, collective effort, and a sense of shared responsibility towards addressing national challenges. Dr. Geingob’s call to embrace Harambee in the housing sector highlights the government’s steadfast dedication to the effective implementation of housing policies for the betterment of all citizens.

“To date, a total of 4239 housing units have been built and already handed over since the inception of the programme in 2014 to July 2023, through MHDP,” said Geingob.

The National Housing Policy and Implementation Action Plan is geared towards addressing the growing housing needs of Namibians. It aims to provide affordable and adequate housing for all, thus addressing the persistent issue of housing shortages and the prevalence of informal settlements. To achieve this goal, President Geingob rightly emphasizes the necessity of enhanced collaboration among various stakeholders, including the government, private sector, civil society organizations, and individuals.

“By working hand in hand, stakeholders can pool their expertise, resources, and innovation to develop sustainable and inclusive housing solutions. The involvement of the private sector is particularly important as it brings in crucial investment, technical know-how, and efficiency that can accelerate the pace of housing delivery. Civil society organizations can contribute by advocating for the rights of marginalized communities and ensuring that the most vulnerable groups have access to decent housing,” noted the President.

He recognized that the challenges in the housing sector require a whole-of-society approach and calls upon Namibians to focus on unity of purpose. By rallying behind a common objective, citizens can overcome the obstacles hindering the realization of the National Housing Policy’s noble goals. This unity must extend from grassroots communities to national leadership, fostering an environment where every Namibian feels connected and valued.

Moreover, the President’s emphasis on holding hands emphasizes the need for collective action at every level. It signifies solidarity, support, and a commitment to working together towards a shared vision.

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