Aldoro Resources delivers up to 9.03% niobium at Kameelburg Rare Earth Project in Namibia – Business Express

Home Uncategorized Aldoro Resources delivers up to 9.03% niobium at Kameelburg Rare Earth Project in Namibia – Business Express
Aldoro Resources delivers up to 9.03% niobium at Kameelburg Rare Earth Project in Namibia – Business Express

Aldoro Resources Ltd has received niobium assays ranging from 5.77% to 9.03% in rock chip sampling at the Kameelburg Rare Earth Elements (REE) Project in Namibia.

The latest results highlight the potential of the area around the periphery of the Kameelburg REE-rich carbonatite, known to contain niobium-rich dykes with historical samples reporting up to 4.75% niobium.

Moving forward, further investigation to proceed on additional dykes and niobium potential along peripheral zones of the Kameelburg Project.

Recent investigation at this peripheral dyke revealed an outcrop striking at 315 degrees over 15 metres, up to 0.5 metres wide and dipping to the east at 62 degrees. 

The dyke is located in a nepheline syenite host of the Kameelburg carbonatite and is obscured by colluvium, soil development and vegetation.

Notably, niobium samples located within a pyrochlore-rich dyke have limited exposure due to the presence along the colluvium-rich shadow of the giant carbonatite.

The company plans to undertake drilling as part of further investigation into the extent of niobium enrichment within the peripheral dyke. 

Discussions are advancing with local experienced drill contractors on this front.

Aldoro also continues to investigate additional dykes along peripheral zones of the Kameelburg carbonatite, with the intention of unlocking further niobium potential within the entire project region.

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