Placido Hilukilwa
THE Annual Youth Conference of the Church’s North-West Deanery held at the Catholic Mission Station of Anamulenge near Outapi town in the Omusati Region was deemed a success by organizers, despite relatively low participation.
Twenty youth groups attended the three-day conference, featuring presentations on various religious and social issues, along with competitions between groups and pastoral areas. The represented pastoral areas included Anamulenge, Oshikuku, Okatana, Ongha/Okongo, and Omuthiya, while Opuwo and Okalongo were not represented.
Although participation was encouraged, it was not mandatory. The youth group from Ondangwa secured victory in the song competition for the sixth consecutive time but came second in handicrafts and bookkeeping, categories they had won last year. The Onelago youth group, participating for the first time in six years, claimed victory in both of these categories. The Bible competition was won by the Okathitukakamba youth group.
The pastoral areas engaged in a money collection competition, with Ongha/Okongo emerging as the winner, followed by Okatana.
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