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New Ambassadors of France and Venezuela reaffirm commitment to strengthen bilateral ties

The new Heads of Mission representing France and Venezuela reaffirmed their commitment to enhance collaboration across several key sectors.  The Ambassadors said this as they presented their Letters of Credence to President Nangolo Mbumba at State House today. Ambassador of France Cécile Vigneau made a commitment to build on relations established by her predecessor with...


Ai-Ais Resort Camp running out of water

Hilarius Hamutenya The water supply at the Ai-Ais Resort Camp in the southern part of the country is running out. Jaffet Xoagub, the camp manager, brought the resort’s challenges to the media’s attention over the weekend. “Because of the current drought in the country, the water is not enough. That’s why you see the Orange...


Amushelelo arrest ignite debate over Unam’s political ban

Stefanus Nashama The Namibian Police briefly detained Michael Amushelelo, a member of the Landless People’s Movement (LPM), after his arrest at Unam’s main campus in Windhoek on Monday. He was released a few hours later. Amushelelo and a group of LPM Youth Command members were protesting the university’s ban on political activities on campus. The...


PAYE tax refunds represent respite for many Namibians

Niël Terblanché Many low-income earning Namibians are preparing to benefit from tax refunds following a recent announcement by Iipumbu Shiimi, the minister of finance and public enterprises. Over the weekend, Shiimi declared that employers across the country must adjust Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) deductions to ensure that employees who were over-taxed are reimbursed. On Monday, the Ministry...