Cllr. Iilende urges villagers to get ready for possible floodings

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Cllr. Iilende urges villagers to get ready for possible floodings

Placido Hilukilwa

OGONGO constituency councilor Daniel Iilende is urging the inhabitants of his constituency and neighbouring areas to prepare for possible flooding.

He said that, although the big mass of rainwater flowing downstream following heavy rains in the Namibia-Angola border area is still mostly limited to Iishana (water streams), the situation can change drastically if it continues raining on either side of the border. Iilende is urging residents to take extra care of their children and to avoid crossing Iishana at night. He points out that the water poses the biggest danger to children and to those who have a habit of returning home from the shebeens very late in the evenings.

PICTURED: To reach the houses on the other side of the stream, one has to make a very wide detour, increasing the distance significantly.

Senior Hydrologist in the Ministry of Agriculture Leonard Hango said that all streams west of the Ogongo settlement have active flows as a result of heavy downpour for the past days both inside and outside Namibia in the Cuvelai catchment area. The floodwater is moving at a fast current in the Ogongo stream, and some houses and business establishments that are located closest to the stream are partially surrounded by water, and inhabitants have started preparing for any eventuality.

Two-track roads that pass through Iishana can no longer be used, and travelers have to make detours to reach their destinations.

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