EIF hosts integrated strategic business plan stakeholder consultation – 99FM

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EIF hosts integrated strategic business plan stakeholder consultation – 99FM

The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) hosted a significant Integrated Strategic Business Plan (ISBP) Key External Stakeholder engagement at the Mercure Hotel, underscoring its dedication to sustainable environmental development. Mr. Benedict Libanda, CEO of EIF, welcomed attendees to a day of insightful deliberations, emphasizing collaborative progress towards shaping Namibia’s environmental investment future.

Under the guidance of Dr. Boniface Mutumba, Lead Consultant from BSM Capacity Building Solutions
CC, discussions delved into the heart of EIF’s five-year ISBP, offering invaluable insights into the
strategic roadmap ahead. Mandated by the Public Enterprises Governance Act of 2019, Act No. 1 of
2019, the ISBP is a pivotal tool for shaping the future trajectory of public enterprises, encompassing
their businesses, activities, and investments. The objectives of ISBP Key External consultations were
clear: -Foster a robust and inclusive roadmap for EIF’s future success; Garner broad-based support to
adapt priorities and strategies in response to evolving needs; Secure stakeholder buy-in and
commitment; ensuring a shared sense of ownership and Build trust and credibility by involving
stakeholders in the planning process.

The EIF’s five-year Integrated Strategic Business Plan encapsulates a comprehensive framework
designed to optimize our organizational endeavors. From delineating the EIF’s purpose, vision, and
strategy to delineating governance structures and performance metrics, every facet of the plan is
meticulously crafted to drive impactful outcomes. The ISBP serves as a compass for the EIF, driving
sustainable growth and environmental stewardship. With robust performance management systems
and a commitment to accountability, EIF navigates toward a greener future.

In adherence to the ISBP, EIF is committed to implementing robust performance management
systems and fostering a culture of accountability and excellence. Performance agreements, informed
by annual business and financial plans, will serve as tangible manifestations of our commitment to
execution excellence.

As the EIF embarks on this transformative journey, the ISBP serves as its guiding compass, steering it
towards a future defined by sustainable growth and environmental stewardship. Through strategic
alignment and collective action, the EIF is poised to realize its aspirations and leave a lasting legacy
for generations to come. Through this ISBP the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia remains
committed to environmental conservation through sustainable investment and strategic planning.
Present were stakeholders from various sectors, including the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and
Land Reform, Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprise,
World Food Programme, WWF, Namibia University of Science and Technology, Khomas Regional
Council, Namibia Chamber of Environment, Namibia National Farmers Union, Namibia Special Risks
Insurance Association, and International University of Management. In closing, Mr. Benedict Libanda reiterated gratitude to all stakeholders for their unwavering support and participation. With the ISBP as its lodestar, the EIF stands ready to navigate the complexities of environmental investment, driven by a shared vision of prosperity and sustainability.


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