Embracing Cellphones in Education – The Namibian

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Embracing Cellphones in Education – The Namibian

The intergration of technology in education is increasingly prevalent in today’s digital age.

However, a persistent sentiment remains within schools and society that discourages the use of cellphones by pupils.

This attitude, rooted in concern about distraction and misuse, fails to acknowledge the potential benefits that cellphones bring to digital learning.


Cellphones are more than just devices for communication – they are powerful tools that can significantly enhance the educational experience.

They provide instant access to a vast repository of information, facilitate collaborative learning and offer various educational applications and resources. Restricting their use in an educational setting undermines their potential as valuable learning aids.

To prepare pupils for digital learning and encourage responsible use of cellphones in schools, it is crucial to introduce comprehensive training programmes.

Educators, parents and guardians should collaborate on instilling proper digital citizenship, emphasising the importance of ethical and safe online behaviour. Training should first look at the important aspects and protocols which educators and pupils have to consider to support the use of cellphones within the school setting:

• Digital literacy education: Schools should implement structured programmes that teach pupils how to navigate the digital landscape responsibly.

Pupils should be educated on critical thinking, fact-checking and discriminating credible information online.

• Cyber security awareness: Educate pupils about cyber security threats and measures to protect their personal information.
Teach them about the risks of sharing sensitive data and the importance of strong passwords and privacy settings.

• Guidelines: Schools should establish clear and concise guidelines outlining when and how cellphones can be used in schools.

Allocate specific times for using cellphones, such as during research projects, educational applications, or as digital learning aids under the supervision of teachers.

That can be applied more specifically during Information Communication (IC) lessons.


To mitigate the potential disruption of learning because of social media use or unrelated phone activities, schools can implement the following strategies:

• Designated phone-free zones: Create specific areas within the school premises where cellphone use is totally prohibited, such as during classes, examinations or certain designated study areas.

• Utilise mobile device management (MDM) software: Schools can deploy MDM solutions to manage and monitor cellphone usage, limiting access to non-educational applications or websites during school hours.

• Promote appropriate use: Educators, parents and guardians should encourage pupils to use their cellphones responsibly by promoting educational applications, research tools and platforms conducive to learning.

Schools can also foster an open dialogue among educators, parents and pupils regarding the benefits and challenges of cellphone use in education.

This can lead to better understanding and cooperation among all stakeholders in education.


The paradigm of viewing cellphones as solely disruptive elements in education needs to shift.

Instead, by acknowledging their potential as valuable learning tools and implementing structured guidelines and training programmes, schools can harness the benefits of cellphones while mitigating distractions.

It is imperative to equip pupils with the skills and knowledge to navigate the digital world responsibly, paving the way for a more informed and digital technology savvy generation.

  • Paulus Ndatiheeno Nghuushi is a teacher counsellor and specialises in teaching and learning, curriculum studies and educational leadership management and policy
    [email protected]

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