Embracing change and fostering excellence – Business Express

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Embracing change and fostering excellence – Business Express

By Anny Mouton

As we approach the close of another year, it’s a moment for reflection and gratitude. I rarely use social media to share my thoughts, but it’s important to acknowledge the remarkable efforts of my management team and the shareholders of Ogilvy Namibia. This year, 2023, was not an easy year, and like always, we did a lot of soul searching — navigated with the resilience and ingenuity that define Ogilvy Namibia. Our adherence to Ogilvy’s global twin peak philosophy of creativity and effectiveness continues to be our guiding light.

Ogilvy Namibia, since its establishment in 1996, always strived to be relevant, different, consistently creative for every brand that we represent, but also effective in what we do.

 Significant changes began in 2017, reshaping our business model. By embracing a freelance model for our creatives, we’ve fostered a culture of excellence and diversity in our creative solutions. This brought about better, more attentive briefs, creative people getting paid what they are worth and for the impossible hours required to make magic happen. This pivotal year also marked the expansion of our shareholding – a partnership initially between myself and Ogilvy Africa, and later joined by Mathews Hamutenya and Rozanne van der Merwe.

Rozanne, a born and bred, young Namibian took over the reins at Ogilvy Namibia. Under her leadership, with my support and the backing of a robust team, Ogilvy Namibia experienced one of its most successful periods. Despite the economic challenges of 2019 and the subsequent Covid years, our agile business model, introduced in 2017, prepared us well to face these trials head-on.

Fast forward to 2023 – we saw another milestone with Megan Pritchard joining as a shareholder, becoming the youngest in our team. Her energy and enthusiasm are a testament to the vibrant future of Ogilvy Namibia.

I’m excited for 2024, I’m filled with optimism. With a dedicated team, eager to grow the business to new heights, supported by my 35 years of business management experience, and the astute entrepreneurship of Mathews Hamutenya, Ogilvy Namibia is well set to new paths of continued success and innovation.

Anny Mouton is the Founder of Olgivy Namibia

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