Family of accident victims threaten to stage protest at Shikongo’s home

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Family of accident victims threaten to stage protest at Shikongo’s home

Staff Reporter

THE family members of the late Frans Ndengu and Stefanus Lukas, who perished in a car accident involving the head of Namibian police, Inspector General Joseph Shikongo, have threatened to hold a protest at the northern homestead of Shikongo in Ongha village, where the chief of police’s mother resides.

In an interview with Informante, Esther Ndengu and Naboth Ndengu, the siblings of the late Frans Ndengu, and Lukas Toivo, the father of the late Stefanus Lukas, said that if they do not have several of their demands heard by the end of February, they would approach the home of where General Shikongo’s mother resides and do something bad.

The families are demanding for the arrest of Shikongo, as well as a N$15 million payment in damages caused, for the loss of their breadwinners.

The family members of the deceased further questioned the decision as to why their matter was referred to the Ondonga and Okwanyama traditional authorities, as well as a forensic expert of accidents in South Africa. Additionally, they bemoaned the fact that the traditional authorities denied dealing with any such matter.

They further queried who is dealing with the matter of the accident in the traditional authorities and whether or not, they have answers to why Shikongo’s car was allegedly removed from the scene of crime, the speed at which the cars were travelling and breathalyzer alcohol tests, which the family claims were not conducted.

“Do they have the answers to these questions, are they in possession of Shikongo’s car. He drove his private vehicle, so we want to face him personally. If he fails to answer our demands, it won’t be easy for him. We will go search for those kids at Shikongo’s house, and if they fail to give us our siblings, we will do bad things,” Esther Ndengu threatened.
Responding to these threats, the Inspector General Shikongo, however shared that he is not aware of the planned protests, however said that if the families wish to organize a protest, they know the right procedures to follow.

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