Hompa Sofia Mundjembwe Kanyetu of the VaShambyu Traditional Authority was coronated at Kayengona Village in the Kavango East Region over the weekend.
Kayengona village was alive with songs and dances as visitors from near and far joined to celebrate the coronation of Hompa Sofia Mundjembwe Kanyetu.
The VaShambyu have been without a state-recognized leader for close to eight years.
The Supreme Court recently ruled in favour of Hompa Mundjembwe Kanyetu after a succession dispute between members of the royal family.
The Minister of ICT, Dr. Peya Mushelenga, says it has been painful to see the VaShambyu without a leader for so many years.
“Let us continue to respect and observe our traditional values, norms, and customs. Let us not be confused with other things, thinking we know better than those who have sustained these traditions for many years.”
Delivering a message on behalf of the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Natalia |Goagoses says leadership succession disputes are costing taxpayers a lot of money.
She said they can be avoided if parties exercise tolerance while respecting customary laws and traditional norms.
“I’m happy that the dispute in your case has finally been resolved, although through the courts instead of consensus among the community. These divisions and disputes among members of the same royal family do not only prolong the filling of the leadership gap left by the departed leaders, but they also create unnecessary disunity and hold the entire community back from moving forward.”
Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa Amadhila says the government is committed to working with traditional authorities by providing continuous support.
“Continuing to strengthen the resourcing of the community courts to enable them to operate optimally as well as promoting the sharing of our communities in the natural resources our country is endowed with, such as wildlife through community conservancies and other resources such as fish through the allocation of fishing quotas through the traditional leaders’ company.”
Reading the acceptance speech on behalf of the Hompa, Sebastian Kashindereki had words of encouragement for the VaShambyu community.
“My beloved Sambyu, I want to encourage you to work together, respect each other, and respect the law of Namibia. To my beloved youth. I want you to study hard, work hard, and believe in God. I want you to feel that you are part of the Sambyu tribe in Namibia and on the African Continent.”
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