“Let’s Do It Namibia” donates citrus fruit trees to three different schools

Home Uncategorized “Let’s Do It Namibia” donates citrus fruit trees to three different schools

Let’s Do It Namibia has donated citrus fruit trees to three different schools in Windhoek.

Martti Ahtisaari Primary School is among those that received trees.

The Sustainable Environmental Education Programme is a pillar of “Let’s Do It Namibia,” which strives to make a change in the lives of Namibians through education and mentoring.

The Director of Let’s Do It Namibia, Tanswell Rooinasie, says, “In 2022, we successfully completed the sustainable environmental education programme, which is in partnership with the Estonia Developmental Cooperation and points to about N$1.5 million, which was used for 50 schools all across Namibia.” 

SEEP transforms school education by adding environmental knowledge.

Rooinasie says they received N$10.000 from Old Mutual to purchase citrus fruit trees, organic compost, and root binders for schools.

“This is to ensure that in our fight against climate change, we take it seriously but also have fun with it, so you, the young people of today, will be responsible together with your school to actually plant these.”

Research has proven that citrus fruits are an excellent source of Vitamin C, which supports the immune system and the maintenance of healthy skin, bones, and blood vessels.

“We need to volunteer our time and our skills to meaningful social causes such as prioritising environmental education and social causes towards holistic community development, whereby organisations such as Let’s Do It Namibia can empower projects such as SEEP,” says Personal Financial Advisor of Old Mutual, Jason Hutchins.

Augustineum Secondary School and Ruach Wellness Centre also received trees.

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