Mandatory SIM card registration deadline concludes

Home Uncategorized Mandatory SIM card registration deadline concludes

The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) announced the conclusion of the mandatory registration period for all Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards in the country, effective 31 March.

CRAN expressed appreciation to consumers and stakeholders who adhered to the registration requirement within the designated timeframe.

According to CRAN’s latest data, Namibia had a total of 2,387,330 active SIM cards, with 1,868,412 successfully registered by the deadline, representing a registration rate of 78.26%.

In compliance with regulatory directives, mobile operators suspended 518,918 unregistered SIM cards as of 1 April,  for three months, marking a suspension rate of 21.73%. During this suspension period, users with unregistered SIM cards will experience service disruptions and will receive warning notifications.

Emilia Nghikembua, CRAN Chief Executive emphasized the importance of consumers taking advantage of this grace period to register their SIM cards and retain their existing numbers. Failure to register within the allocated timeframe will result in the termination of the associated number, necessitating the acquisition of a new one.

CRAN reiterated the significance of compliance with regulatory requirements and clarified that there will be no further extension, as per the directive of the Minister of Information, Communication, and Technology, Emma Theofelus.


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