#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | PDM’s calls on youth to vote for economic liberation

Home Uncategorized #NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | PDM’s calls on youth to vote for economic liberation

The president of the Popular Democratic Movement has sent out a clarion call to especially the youth to wake up early and cast their votes on November 27.

He called on the youth to go and vote for economic liberation and bring change to Namibia’s economy.

Venaani made these remarks at his party rally at Omuthiya in the Oshikoto Region.

Venaani advised especially young people to get rid of the tendency of not being willing to stand in queues and patiently wait to cast their vote.

“Because you are youthful, I want to warn you that you are the ones that always go to the election, and when you find the queue to be longer, then you go back and say, ‘I am tired; the queue is very long’. This election we cannot afford to leave the long queues and go home; we must carry the day and carry the ballot.”

The Ohangwena, Oshikoto, and other parts of the country have been plagued with persistent water shortages, which the PDM leader said he would change under his own administration.

For many years, he said, local communities have grappled with low water pressure, while others have to make do with water unfit for either human or animal consumption.

Access to water is a basic human right, and PDM is committed to alleviating water shortages by constructing dams in all villages to increase water catchment capacity and water storage for agriculture and domestic use.

“How long will Namibians use donkeys as a means to get water? Under my administration, we will deliver water pumps to every homestead; every house here in Omuthiya will have water. If you live in a rural area, you will not be allowed like a goat to go and look for water; the water pipe will come into your house.”

Water scarcity poses a considerable challenge to agriculture development in Namibia, and it is becoming increasingly limited due to unpredictable rainfall patterns.

“The PDM government will develop desalination plants along the coast to create a water supply line or inland Namibia, ensuring reliable water access for agricultural activities. We seek to install water points within 100- meters of communities, particularly in areas prone to human-wildlife conflict, to ensure easy access to potable water and mitigate conflict.”

The party further plans to focus on reducing food imports from neighbouring countries to Namibia as it plans to empower farmers to improve food security in the country.
