Dis nie net Rundu wat sertifisering van Klas-A abattoir ontvang het nie Die Rundu Abattoir is tot Klas A-status opgegradeer deur die Direktoraat Veeartsenydienste, wat beteken vleis en vleisprodukte van die abattoir sal nou suid van die rooilyn verhandel en na internasionale markte uitgevoer word. Die Lewendehawe- en Lewendehaweprodukte-raad het die registrasie goedgekeur en sê...
Tag: abattoir
Rundu Abattoir kry groenlig vir uitvoere
Rundu Abattoir kry groenlig vir uitvoere Vleis en vleisprodukte van Rundu Abattoir sal nou suid van die rooilyn verhandel en na internasionale markte uitgevoer word, ná sertifisering deur die Direktoraat Veeartsenydienste, wat die abattoir tot Klas A-status opgegradeer het. Die aankondiging is gemaak deur die Raad vir Lewendehawe en Lewendehaweprodukte. Die raad het die registrasie...
Rundu Abattoir granted export certification and approval to sell South of the redline
Rundu Abattoir granted export certification and approval to sell South of the redline Source link
Jongste oor Savanna se abattoir
Jongste oor Savanna se abattoir Savanna Beef Processors het verlede jaar eenparige goedkeuring van sy aandeelhouers ontvang om die konstruksiefase van ‘n voorgestelde abattoir en verwerkingsfasiliteit te begin. Die voorkeurtender is deur die Nexus Group en Emcom Consulting Engineers ingedien. Kosmos 94.1 Nuus het die jongste by die voorsitter van die Beesvleis Waardekettingsforum, Mecki Schneider...
Meatco assumes management of Rundu Abattoir
Following a directive from the Cabinet to revitalise the dormant abattoir, the government has handed over the management of the revamped Rundu Abattoir to the Meat Corporation of Namibia (Meatco). This move aims to establish an official slaughter market for farmers in the northern communal area, particularly those in the Ohangwena, Oshikoto, Kavango East and...
MeatCo’s Rundu abattoir inaugurated – nbc
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MeatCo’s Rundu abattoir inaugurated | nbc
The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform officially handed over the Rundu abattoir to MeatCo yesterday. The abattoir is intended to serve as a market for cattle and small stock farmers in the Kavango East, West, and surrounding regions. The construction of the Rundu abattoir started in 2014 and was expected to be completed...
Rundu Abattoir Restored at a Cost of N$40 Million – Namibia Daily News
By Kaleb Nghishidivali Rundu, Sept. 1 – The recent completion of the restoration of the Rundu Abattoir has brought significant relief to livestock farmers in the Northern Communal Areas (NCAs) of Namibia. The restoration, amounting to a cost of N$40 million, was financed by the government and has provided farmers with the means to formally...
Savanna Beef to commence abattoir construction
Savanna Beef Processors Limited (SBPL) received unanimous approval from its shareholders to initiate the construction phase of a proposed abattoir and processing facility during their annual meeting on 23 August. While there are still available shares worth N$19 million for cattle farmers in SBPL, shareholders have collectively endorsed the commencement of the facility’s construction. “This...
Mariental farmers meat small stock abattoir reopened
Staff Reporter THE O&L Group has re-opened the Farmers Meat small stock abattoir, which closed in August 2020, paying out a total of N$75 million to sheep producers between October 2022 and June 2023. Wessie van der Westhuizen, O&L Group CEO, said that the O&L Group has taken concrete steps to promote and support this...