Tag: ACC

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Katjavivi want ACC budget increased to better combat corruption – Windhoek Observer

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Speaker of the National Assembly, Professor Peter Katjavivi called for an increase in the budgetary allocation of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). Katjavivi made the call during the budget motivation in Parliament last week, emphasizing the role the commission plays in combating corruption within Namibia. “I therefore will appeal that we should look...

Kandjeke ongelukkig met ACC se boeke

Kandjeke ongelukkig met ACC se boeke

Kandjeke ongelukkig met ACC se boeke Die ouditeur-generaal het bevind dat die Teenkorrupsie-kommissie ongemagtigde uitgawes van amper 90 000 Namibiese dollar aangegaan het. Junias Kandjeke het dit bekend gemaak in die oudit van 2022-23. Kandjeke sê dit wek kommer omdat die kommissie die Staatsfinansies-wetgewing oortree het. Hy het aangeraai dat die kommissie se boekhouers meer...

PG declines to prosecute 67 ACC cases – News

PG declines to prosecute 67 ACC cases – News

The prosecutor general has declined to prosecute 67 of the Anti-Corruption Commission’s 142 cases due to a lack of substance, among others. It has succeeded to investigate 66 cases. This was revealed in the ACC’s 2023 report, tabled in parliament recently. “Some 66 cases were investigated, 67 were declined for a variety of reasons, including...


ACC Report – Windhoek Observer

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The recently released Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Annual Report for the 2022/2023 financial year reveals a significant surge in corruption cases compared to the previous year. At the same time, the report also revealed that several investigations into cases of corruption are still incomplete. During the financial year under review, a total of 142...

Union wants ACC to probe NIP bank accounts

Union wants ACC to probe NIP bank accounts

NAMIBIA’S biggest trade union has asked the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to investigate the decision of Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP) executives to give its top officials a fuel allowance of N$20 000 per year. Namibia Public Workers Union (Napwu) general secretary Petrus Nevonga has requested the ACC to investigate alleged corruption at the NIP, including...

‘ACC appears more capable of dealing with less powerful people’

‘ACC appears more capable of dealing with less powerful people’

The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) has found that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) “has a mixed record of performance and appears more capable of dealing with less powerful people”. The APRM was launched yesterday by president Nangolo Mbumba. The APRM’s assessment follows meetings with the executive, judiciary and legislature, as well as, civil society and...


High Court grants ACC investigator leave to occupy top position after Prime Minister’s objection – Windhoek Observer

Hertta-Maria Amutenja High Court Judge Eileen Rakow, has granted Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) investigator Phelem Maseka Masule leave to execute a judgment delivered on 25 April 2023. This allows Masule to take up the position of Chief of Investigation and Prosecution with the ACC while awaiting an appeal by Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila and the ACC....

ACC investigator gets one month in top post

ACC investigator gets one month in top post

A senior Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) investigator whose appointment as the ACC’s chief of investigations and prosecutions was blocked by prime minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, nearly four years ago. will be able to hold the position that was denied to him for only a month before his retirement. This is after judge Eileen Rakow ruled in the...

ACC investigator wins order to fill top job

ACC investigator wins order to fill top job

A Senior Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) investigator, whose appointment as the commission’s chief of investigations and prosecutions was blocked by prime minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, should be allowed to take up the post he was appointed to, a judge ordered in the Windhoek High Court on Friday. Judge Eileen Rakow ordered that a judgement she delivered in...