By Dr. David ChipantaUNAIDS Country Director. Namibia has a fantastic opportunity. It can end the AIDS pandemic by 2030, by letting communities lead. Communities of people living with HIV or at risk of and those affected by HIV are the drivers of progress in the HIV response. They connect people to public health services, build...
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SSC aids Liselo Center for visually impaired – nbc
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Swakopmund mayoral development fund aids schools – nbc
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Swakopmund mayoral development fund aids schools
The Swakopmund Municipality, through the Mayoral Development Fund, has donated N$200,000 to all schools in Swakopmund. Mayor Dina Namubes believes education is an important tool to eradicate poverty. The donation was handed over at a ceremony attended by all the beneficiary schools. Swakopmund has 20 public and private schools. Over the year, the Mayoral Fund...
Headwoman Namundjebo-Tilahun aids farmers affected by drought – nbc
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Headwoman Namundjebo-Tilahun aids farmers affected by drought
The headwoman of Ohailombo Village, Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun, has brought hope and relief to the farmers in Eengodi and Nehale LyaMpingana constituencies in the Oshikoto Region. A lack of adequate rainfall this year has affected many people, let alone livestock. Previously, during this time of the year, farmers could be seen transporting their animals from the...
Headwoman of Ohailombo aids farmers with bales of feed
Maria David WITH the northern part of the country severely hit by drought, communal farmers are either forced to move their livestock to better grazing areas or buy bales to feed their animals. In an effort to meet the farmers halfway, the Headwoman of Ohailombo village in Uukwanambwa District of Ondonga Traditional Authority, Dr. Martha...
GRN aids local bidders with procurement contract expenses
Business Reporter IN the face of growing reports that Namibian businesses and entrepreneurs are often excluded from multi-million-dollar procurement contracts due to their inability to undertake such substantial projects, the Namibian government has issued a new directive. This directive will lead Public Enterprises and Financial institutions to provide financial support by paying for supplies or...
UN: AIDS in Namibia könnte bis 2030 eliminiert werden
© jarun011/iStock Namibia befindet sich weiterhin auf dem richtigen Weg, um HIV/AIDS bis 2030 als öffentliche Gesundheitsbedrohung zu eliminieren. Das erklärte der lokale Koordinator für die UN Namibia, Hopolang Phororo. Mit Hilfe des politischen Engagements und der effektiven Koordinierung könnte Namibia zu den ersten Ländern gehören, die AIDS noch zu unseren Lebzeiten beenden, so Phororo....