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December 29, 2024
Tag: Biko
October 2, 2023October 2, 2023Uncategorized
Steve Biko Booys turns to High Court – nbc
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October 2, 2023October 2, 2023Uncategorized
Steve Biko Booys turns to High Court
Rape and incest-accused former Parliamentarian Steve Biko Booys, whose bail application was denied four times at the lower courts, has turned to the Windhoek High Court with hopes of regaining his freedom. The High Court will deliver its judgement on Booys’ plea for freedom on Friday. The former Okahandja regional councillor has been in custody...
September 11, 2023September 11, 2023Uncategorized
Biko se appèl vir borg, weer, uitgestel – Kosmos 94.1
Biko se appèl vir borg, weer, uitgestel Regter Herman January het die appèlaansoek deur die omstrede Okahandja-streeksraadslid Steve ‘Biko’ Booys tot 2 Oktober uitgestel met hoofargumente wat teen 18 September ingedien moet word. Die staat het versuim om sy nodige liasserings te doen en dus is die appèlverhoor vandag uitgestel. Booys het reeds in September...