Tag: colonial

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Namibia: When Colonial Germany Committed Genocide in Namibia

Namibia: When Colonial Germany Committed Genocide in Namibia

Between 1904 and 1908, Germany’s colonial forces reacted to a rebellion by Ovaherero and Nama people in Namibia with brutal violence and prison camps. The trauma and political repercussion remain unresolved. How did Ovaherero and Germans come into contact? After the borders of German South West Africa were established in 1890, German authorities promoted the...


Exploring German colonial building cultures: Insights from the Namibia Scientific Society

The Namibia Scientific Society is set to host an enlightening public talk titled, “German Colonial Building Cultures in a Global Perspective – A Critical Evaluation of Primary Sources, From Windhoek and Daressalam to Tsingtau and Samoa,” featuring Michael Falser from the Technical University of Munich. The event is scheduled for 26 March at 19:00 and...

Namibia’s first opera explores colonial history through music – Namibia Daily News

Namibia’s first opera explores colonial history through music – Namibia Daily News

Staff Reporter BERLIN, Sept. 16 — The opera “Chief Hijangua” narrates the saga of German settlers in South West Africa, now modern-day Namibia, and their profound influence on the Herero people. Composed by Namibian artist Eslon Hindundu, the opera unfolds in an imaginative world reminiscent of the late 19th century, with a landscape mirroring that...

Former City of Windhoek Mayor, Amupanda Releases Powerful Novel ‘Diamond Warriors’ Unveiling Colonial Namibia – Namibia Daily News

Former City of Windhoek Mayor, Amupanda Releases Powerful Novel ‘Diamond Warriors’ Unveiling Colonial Namibia – Namibia Daily News

By Kaleb Nghishidivali Windhoek, Sept. 7 – Last night, the atmosphere at Radical BOOKS was electric as renowned former City of Windhoek Council member and UNAM Law lecturer, Job Amupanda, launched his latest book titled “Diamond Warriors IN Colonial Namibia.” The event saw an engaging discussion centred around the themes and narratives explored in the...

Belgium’s AfricaMuseum has a dark colonial past – it’s making slow progress in confronting this history

Belgium’s AfricaMuseum has a dark colonial past – it’s making slow progress in confronting this history

By Julien Bobineau, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Racist displays and stories remain on display in several western European museums. They include grotesque objects depicting African people as “savage” and “wild”. Narratives of a “continent without history” and fantasies of European superiority are still told in ethnographic museums, like the Humboldt Forum in Berlin and the Musée du...