Tips on how to enjoy eating out at restaurants without breaking the bank If you don’t spend wisely, December can quickly become a very expensive month, leaving you with an empty bank account when January rolls around. While no one is saying you shouldn’t go out and enjoy the festivities, one has to be mindful...
Tag: eating
Justice for Animal Trust denounces SPCA Windhoek’s stance on eating dogs
Staff Reporter THE Justice for Animal Trust has distanced itself from statements made by Sylvia Breitenstein, the Operations Director of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Windhoek, who claimed in a recent interview that the organization does not have a problem with people eating dogs. Photo for illustrative purposes. Photo: Justice...
Study reveals hybrid workers are exercising more, sleeping longer and eating better
A new UK study has revealed that hybrid working is leading to a healthier workforce, with more time being dedicated to exercise, sleep and healthy eating. Research among more than 2 000 hybrid workers by IWG, one of the world’s leading operators of flexible workspaces, reveals that the time saved by reduced commuting has led...
Man dies after eating meat
A 45-year-old man died instantly after allegedly eating two pieces of meat at a cucashop at Ndama location in Rundu of the Kavango East Region on Thursday. A crime report issued on Friday by the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) said the man allegedly found people known to him eating cooked meat commonly known as kapana...