Tag: experiencing

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Shambyu Health Centre Experiencing Acute Shortage of Materials

Shambyu Health Centre Experiencing Acute Shortage of Materials

The Shambyu Health Centre in the Kavango East Region still caters to the health needs of the community, despite a number of issues hampering quality service delivery. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Social Development, and Family Affairs engaged staff members at the centre to familiarise themselves with their concerns. Despite the fact that...

People experiencing news fatigue are less likely to be voters

People experiencing news fatigue are less likely to be voters

Paul Whiteley, University of Essex In a comprehensive analysis of news consumption across the globe, a recent report by Reuters concluded that “interest in news continues to decline, fuelling disengagement and selective news avoidance”. In the 46 countries surveyed in the report, public interest in news has dropped significantly in the UK, France, the US...

Omaheke Census team experiencing issues

Omaheke Census team experiencing issues

The 2023 Census Team in Omaheke region has been experiencing issues with some members of the public not allowing access to their homes for enumeration, despite efforts by the Namibia Statistics Agency to educate and inform the public on all matters relating to the Census. Omaheke Governor Pijoo Nganate has called for cooperation though. https://futuremedia.com.na/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ENG-Pijoo-Nganate-census.wav Source link

Joburg not experiencing more earthquakes

Joburg not experiencing more earthquakes

The three earthquakes which have shaken Johannesburg in the past three weeks are most likely the result of water ingress (or penetrating damp) and mining activity, says seismologist Dr Martin Brandt. He also insists that the frequency of earthquakes is not increasing, but that people are becoming more aware of them, partly due to social...