Tag: Good

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State Push For Good Nutrition To Spur Growth.

the government wants players in food systems to ensure that the citizens were nourished with healthy food to spur economic growth and development. Agriculture and livestock production Cabinet secretary Mithika Linturi expressed fears that the country continues to face the triple burden of malnutrition characterized by under-nutrition, hidden hunger and over nutrition which was counterproductive...

GOOD dank Bok-breier De Villiers af

GOOD dank Bok-breier De Villiers af

GOOD dank Bok-breier De Villiers af Die GOOD-party sê hy het die voormalige Springbok-afrigter Peter de Villiers ontneem van beide sy partylidmaatskap en sy posisie as lid van die Wes-Kaapse wetgewer na bevindings van seksuele wangedrag. Die besluit volg nadat ‘n tugproses bevind het De Villiers het die party se grondwet en gedragskode verbreek. Bewerings...

GOOD sê Gauteng vermors 44% water met lekkasies

GOOD sê Gauteng vermors 44% water met lekkasies

GOOD sê Gauteng vermors 44% water met lekkasies Die GOOD Party in Gauteng sê dis duidelik die provinsie se waterstelsel is nie goed onderhou nie. Hy voeg by dis ʼn weerspieëling van infrastruktuur-tekorte in Suid-Afrika weens historiese onreg. Inwoners in sekere dele van die provinsie ervaar reeds weke lank watertekorte. Dewan de Swardt van die...

Nande and Walters Triumph in Nedbank for Good Series Opener

Nande and Walters Triumph in Nedbank for Good Series Opener

Omeya Golf Club played host to the inaugural event of the Nedbank for Good Series this past weekend on 16 March, where Likius Nande and Cehesta Walters emerged victorious in a thrilling showcase of skill and sportsmanship. The primary objective of the tournament was to raise funds for Agra ProVison, an initiative dedicated to empowering...

GOOD sê toelaag verhoging van R20 is power

GOOD sê toelaag verhoging van R20 is power

GOOD sê toelaag verhoging van R20 is power Die GOOD Party sê die 20-rand-verhoging in die maatskaplike verligtingstoelaag tot 370 Suid-Afrikaanse rand per maand is steeds te min. Die party maak in sy verkiesingsmanifes voorsiening vir ʼn basiese inkomstetoelaag van minstens 999 rand per maand vir alle werklose Suid-Afrikaners. GOOD se sekretaris-generaal, Brett Herron, sê...

Nedbank for Good Series tees off 

Nedbank for Good Series tees off 

Nedbank Namibia is once again gearing up to drive change through the greens with the fifth instalment of the Nedbank for Good Series. The prestigious 11-event golf series not only celebrates sporting excellence but also raises awareness and funds for chosen charities through pledges and donations. Over the past four years, the competition has grown...