Tag: Haïti

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Haiti: Fears of hunger as Haiti turmoil spreads – News

Haiti: Fears of hunger as Haiti turmoil spreads – News

Sarah Molin’s life reflects the depth of Haiti’s problems. A year ago, the 20-year-old was a computer science student living in a suburb of the capital, Port-au-Prince. But the failed state that Haiti is rapidly becoming has failed its young people most of all. Months of turmoil and political instability following the murder of President...

Haïti se krisis en geweld verdiep

Haïti se krisis en geweld verdiep

Haïti se krisis en geweld verdiep Minstens 12 mense is dood in die jongste vlaag geweld in Haïti nadat gewapende bendes amok gemaak het in twee gegoede buurte in die hoofstad, Port-au-Prince. Gewapende mans het huise in die gemeenskappe van Laboule en Thomassin geplunder en inwoners gedwing om te vlug. Die Karibiese nasie bly lamgelê...

Could Haiti be on the brink of collapse? | Inside Story

Could Haiti be on the brink of collapse? | Inside Story

People in Haiti are bracing for more violence, weeks after powerful gangs launched an offensive to topple the government. Food is running out, essential goods are in short supply and nothing is coming in or out of the capital. The United Nations is warning more than 1 million people are on the brink of famine....

Haiti: The harrowing journey out of gang territory

Haiti: The harrowing journey out of gang territory

As the passengers from Port-au-Prince disembark at the bus terminal in Cap-Haitien, the harrowing journey is evident on their faces. The trip out of the beleaguered Haitian capital city involves running the gauntlet along risky and dangerous roads, trying to avoid gunmen and sporadic violence along the way. “It took us several hours longer than...

Noodtoestand in Haïti na bendes 4 000 gevangenes vrylaat

Noodtoestand in Haïti na bendes 4 000 gevangenes vrylaat

Noodtoestand in Haïti na bendes 4 000 gevangenes vrylaat Haïti se regering het ‘n noodtoestand en aandklokreël afgekondig in ‘n poging om beheer te herwin nadat gewapende bendelede die land se twee grootste tronke bestorm het en meer as 4 000 gevangenes vrygelaat het. Eerste minister Ariel Henry het verlede week na die buiteland gereis...

Haiti violence: State of emergency declared after mass jailbreak

Haiti violence: State of emergency declared after mass jailbreak

Haiti has declared a 72-hour state of emergency and night curfew in and around the capital because of two jailbreaks and spiralling insecurity. At the weekend, armed gangs stormed a major Port-au-Prince prison, leading to the killing of at least 12 people and release of around 4,000 inmates. Gang leaders say they want to force...

Kenia sal groot uitdagings met mag in Haïti hê

Kenia sal groot uitdagings met mag in Haïti hê

Kenia sal groot uitdagings met mag in Haïti hê Die Kenia-geleide multinasionale sending wat daarop gemik is om die Haïtiaanse Nasionale Polisie te ondersteun in sy stryd teen bendes, sal verskeie uitdagings in die gesig staar. Korrupsie, bande tussen die polisie, politici en bendes, en oorvol tronke is van die uitdagings wat gelys word. Minder...

Haïti stort ineen, 300 gewapende bendes regeer

Haïti stort ineen, 300 gewapende bendes regeer

Haïti stort ineen, 300 gewapende bendes regeer Die Verenigde Nasies sê dat 5,2 miljoen Haïtiane humanitêre hulp nodig het en meer as 4,3 miljoen ervaar akute voedselonsekerheid – dit is ‘n verbysterende twee uit vyf mense in ‘n land wat vroeër selfversorgend was in terme van voedselproduksie. Daar is net befondsing vir 33 persent van...

UN Security Council approves Kenyan troops for Haiti

UN Security Council approves Kenyan troops for Haiti

The UN Security Council has given the green light for Kenya to send security forces to Haiti. The force is expected to help the Haitian government combat violent gangs. It is the first time in almost 20 years that a force would be deployed to Haiti. The post UN Security Council approves Kenyan troops for...