Tag: Hallyday

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Oyo-dansgroep bring hulde aan Johnny Hallyday – Kosmos 94.1

Oyo-dansgroep bring hulde aan Johnny Hallyday – Kosmos 94.1

Oyo-dansgroep bring hulde aan Johnny Hallyday Die Oyo-dansgroep sal saam met Nsimba Faycal en LeClue Job die lewe van Johnny Hallyday vier. Gebore as Jean-Philippe Leo Smet, het Johnny Hallyday gedurende ‘n loopbaan van 57 jaar 79 albums vrygestel, ‘n geskatte 1 154 liedjies gesing en meer as 110 miljoen albums wêreldwyd verkoop. Die Oyo-dansgroep...

OYO to pay tribute to French singer, Johnny Hallyday

OYO to pay tribute to French singer, Johnny Hallyday

The Ombetja Yehinga Organisation (OYO) Dance Troupe and guests will perform a tribute to French Singer, Johnny Hallyday on 4 August at the National Theatre of Namibia. Jean-Philippe Leo Smet, better known by his stage name Johnny Hallyday, was a French rock’n’roll and pop singer and actor, he had five diamond albums, 40 golden albums,...