N$3 miljard nodig om HKIA vir oliesektor uit te brei

N$3 miljard nodig om HKIA vir oliesektor uit te brei

N$3 miljard nodig om HKIA vir oliesektor uit te brei Die Namibiese Lughawensmaatskappy sê die uitbreiding van Hosea Kutako Internasionale Lughawe se kapasiteit om die verwagte oplewing in vlugte te hanteer as gevolg van die land se groeiende olie- en gasbedryf sal ‘n belegging van meer as 3 miljard Namibiese dollar verg. Die maatskappy se...

Namibia2Go gets new Head Office at HKIA

Namibia2Go gets new Head Office at HKIA

Staff Reporter GONDWANA Collection Namibia has announced the commencement of a long-anticipated construction project at the gates of Windhoek’s Hosea Kutako International Airport. The ground-breaking ceremony, which took place on 19 January 2024, marks a significant milestone for the Namibia2Go car rental, as it prepares to establish its new home at the turn-off from the...


HKIA and Walvis Bay airports achieve full aerodrome certification

The Namibia Airports Company (NAC) has successfully obtained Aerodrome Certification for two of its major international airports: Hosea Kutako International Airport (HKIA) and Walvis Bay International Airport (WBIA). Dan Kamati, the NAC spokesperson, announced in a statement this week that the Namibia Civil Aviation Authority has granted aerodrome certificates to NAC, following strict adherence to...

HKIA: Passagierzahlen im Jahresvergleich stark gestiegen

HKIA: Passagierzahlen im Jahresvergleich stark gestiegen

Der August war bisher der geschäftigste Monat am größten Flughafen des Landes, dem Internationalen Flughafen Hosea Kutako. Dies teilte die Flughafengesellschaft NAC gegenüber Hitradio Namibia mit. Erstmals in diesem Jahr wurden mehr als 80.000 Passagiere abgefertigt. Dies waren gut 15.000 mehr als im August des Vorjahres. Im September nahm die […] Der Beitrag HKIA: Passagierzahlen...

NamRA liberates vital medical supplies at HKIA – Windhoek Observer

NamRA liberates vital medical supplies at HKIA – Windhoek Observer

Niël Terblanché The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) has finally taken matters into its own hands to release crucial medical supplies for the Namibian Blood Transfusion Service (NamBTS), previously held hostage in the Menzies Aviation Namibia warehouse at the Hosea Kutako International Airport. The release of supplies comes after a series of bizarre events and questionable...

NamRa steigt in Saga um Bodenabwicklung am HKIA ein

NamRa steigt in Saga um Bodenabwicklung am HKIA ein

© NAC Im anhaltenden Streit um die Bodenabwicklung am Hosea-Kutako-Flughafen hat sich nun auch die Steuerbehörde NamRa eingeschaltet. Einer Pressemitteilung zufolge habe die Behörde die Bearbeitung und Abfertigung der Fracht aus der Menzies-Lagerhalle übernommen. Der Prozess habe am Mittwoch begonnen und soll bis kommenden Dienstag abgeschlossen sein. Lieferungen für den Blutspendedienst (NamBTS) und Coastal Couriers...

NamBTS reagents still held up at HKIA

NamBTS reagents still held up at HKIA

The Namibia Blood Transfusion Service (NamBTS) has still not received its reagents from the cargo consignments held at the Hosea Kutako International Airport (HKIA). The blood testing materials are yet to be found, with some of the items already expired as of September 7. The delay has prompted NamBTS to conduct its tests manually as...

Blood reagents stored at HKIA to be released

Blood reagents stored at HKIA to be released

The Namibia Airport Company (NAC)’s Chief Executive Officer, Bisey |Uirab, has stated that the company met with relevant parties through the High Court-initiated mediation process to release cargo stored at the Hosea Kutako International Airport (HKIA). This follows a cargo dispute during the eviction of Menzies Aviation from the airport. The cargo in question includes...