Tag: investments

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Over-concentration of investments in mining is a hindrance for Namibia’s other economic sectors

Over-concentration of investments in mining is a hindrance for Namibia’s other economic sectors

Business Reporter ACCORDING to economic analyst Rainer Ritter, the trend showing a decline in investment in other sectors of the economy should concern policymakers, as the analyst opines that the mining sector has been the main driver of growth. “Last Friday, the Bank of Namibia released its March quarterly report, and the estimated real economic...

Foreign green energy investments brightens Africa amidst challenges

Foreign green energy investments brightens Africa amidst challenges

Investing in Africa’s energy transition necessitates dramatic shifts, around U$2.9 trillion of cumulative capital expenditure would be required between 2022 and 2050, most of which would be dedicated to green-energy sources. Renewable energy is expected to account for 65% of installed capacity in Africa by 2035 and 95% by 2050. Solar and wind power will...


Namibia charts path toward diversified energy investments

The prospects for offshore oil and gas exploration have resulted in Namibia becoming a hotspot for hydrocarbon investment in recent years. Energy Capital and Power, an investment company for the energy sector said meanwhile the country’s ambition to become a global hub for green hydrogen development, on the back of abundant, co-located solar and wind...

Headspring Investments welcomes independent assessment of its mining activities

Headspring Investments welcomes independent assessment of its mining activities

Staff Reporter HEADSPRING Investments, a subsidiary of Rosatom Uranium One, Russia, has said that it fully supports the statement of the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Land Reform (MAWLR), Calle Schlettwein, on the need for a comprehensive independent assessment of facilities, processes, and technologies when implementing geological exploration projects in Namibia. The company has...


PDM pledges major agricultural investments in Kavango – Windhoek Observer

Niël Terblanché At a campaign rally in Divundu, Kavango East, McHenry Venaani, the President of the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), outlined a vision for transforming the agricultural landscape of the two Kavango regions into a thriving hub of prosperity for Namibia. Addressing supporters over the past weekend, Venaani stressed the untapped potential of the two...

Statement Headspring Investments – Namibia Daily News

Statement Headspring Investments – Namibia Daily News

Headspring Investments fully supports the statement of the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Land Reform (MAWLR), Kalle Schlettwein, on the need for a comprehensive independent competent assessment of facilities, processes and technologies when implementing geological exploration projects in Namibia. The company strives for transparency in its activities and complies with the highest global standards...

Competitive tax policies key in attracting energy investments – Alweendo

Competitive tax policies key in attracting energy investments – Alweendo

The Minister of Mines and Energy Tom Alweendo says competitive policies relating to taxes and royalties are key to attracting investments in sectors such as energy. This comes as Namibia is attracting oil and gas investments, citing major players such as Shell and TotalEnegies, which continue to make significant discoveries in the country.  “To attract and maximise this investment without compromising our own...

ANC, Ezulweni Investments skik buite die hof

ANC, Ezulweni Investments skik buite die hof

ANC, Ezulweni Investments skik buite die hof Die ANC het bekendgemaak hy het buite die hof geskik met Ezulweni Investments en het sodoende  ʼn regsdispuut oor ʼn bemarkingskontrak van 2019 besleg. Die meningsverskil het gehandel oor ʼn eis van 150 miljoen Suid-Afrikaanse rand vir verkiesingsbaniere vir daardie jaar se verkiesings. Met drie vonnisse teen die...

Xinfeng Investments plans N$600 million Namibia lithium plant

Xinfeng Investments plans N$600 million Namibia lithium plant

Chinese company Xinfeng Investments Limited is set to invest N$600 million in the construction of a state-of-the-art lithium processing plant, scheduled to commence operations in early 2024. The facility, based on dense medium technology, aims to ensure processing efficiency while adhering to stringent sustainability practices, in compliance with the government’s calls for value addition of...