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Siriese soldate sterf in Israeli lugaanval

Siriese soldate sterf in Israeli lugaanval

Siriese soldate sterf in Israeli lugaanval ‘n Israeliese lugaanval op Sirië se Aleppo-provinsie het minstens 36 Siriese soldate in ‘n gebied naby Hezbollah-wapenopslagplekke gedood. Dit is volgens die Verenigde Koninkryk-gebaseerde Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, wat byvoeg dat dosyne soldate gewond is. Burgerlikes was onder die dooies en beseerdes, sê die Siriese staatsnuusagentskap Sana. Die...

Al Jazeera investigation debunks false Israeli claims in the aftermath of October 7 attacks

Al Jazeera investigation debunks false Israeli claims in the aftermath of October 7 attacks

A number of shocking claims made by Israel in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks were false or misleading, Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit has found. To reach this conclusion, the I-Unit examined hours of video, including recordings recovered from dead Hamas fighters, and conducted interviews with witnesses and survivors of the attacks. Stay informed...

Israeli betogers vra vroeë verkiesings

Israeli betogers vra vroeë verkiesings

Israeli betogers vra vroeë verkiesings Duisende Israeli’s het Saterdagaand in Tel Aviv bymekaargekom vir ‘n teen-regeringsprotes. Betogings teen die regering wat die land vir ‘n groot deel van 2023 geruk het, het gedurende die oorlog grootliks bedaar. Tog het betogers weer die strate van Tel Aviv ingevaar en gevra vir nuwe verkiesings, wat eers in...

Top UN court to hold hearings on legality of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian-claimed lands

Top UN court to hold hearings on legality of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian-claimed lands

For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails The United Nations’ highest court opens historic hearings Monday into the legality of Israel’s 57-year occupation of lands sought for a Palestinian state, plunging the 15 international judges...

Meer as 1 miljoen Palestyne vasgekeer voor Israeli offensief

Meer as 1 miljoen Palestyne vasgekeer voor Israeli offensief

Meer as 1 miljoen Palestyne vasgekeer voor Israeli offensief Meer as 1 miljoen Palestyne is vasgekeer in en om Rafah terwyl Israel gereed maak om hulle te ontruim en ‘n grondaanval teen Hamas-vegters in die suidelike Gaza-stad te loods. Hulpagentskappe het gewaarsku dat groot getalle burgerlikes in die Israeliese offensief kan sterf en die VN...


Namibia condemns Germany’s backing of alleged Israeli genocide in Gaza

Namibia has vehemently rejected Germany’s recent support for what the President, H.E Dr Hage Geingob deems as the genocidal actions of the Israeli state against innocent civilians in Gaza, according to a statement from the presidency. President Geingob, expressing deep concern, points to Germany’s historical failure to fully atone for its past actions in Namibia...


Namibia rejects Germany’s defence of Israeli atrocities in Gaza – Windhoek Observer

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Namibia has taken a firm stance against Germany’s recent support of what it calls the “genocidal intent” of the Israeli state against civilians in Gaza. The rejection comes as a response to Germany’s decision to defend Israel’s actions before the International Court of Justice, despite widespread international concern and condemnation. President Hage Geingob...

Namibia rejects Germany’s Support of the Genocidal Intent of the Racist Israeli State against Innocent Civilians in Gaza

Namibia rejects Germany’s Support of the Genocidal Intent of the Racist Israeli State against Innocent Civilians in Gaza

Windhoek — On Namibian soil, Germany committed the first genocide of the 20th century in 1904-1908, in which tens of thousands of innocent Namibians died in the most inhumane and brutal conditions. The German Government is yet to fully atone for the genocide it committed on Namibian soil. Therefore, in light of Germany’s inability to...

Israeli volksmoord-beslissing ‘sal nog lank vat’

Israeli volksmoord-beslissing ‘sal nog lank vat’

Israeli volksmoord-beslissing ‘sal nog lank vat’ Die Ceasefire Centre for Civil Rights verwag dat dit lank sal duur voordat ʼn beslissing bereik word of Israel in Palestina dade gepleeg het wat op volksmoord neerkom. Suid-Afrika het sy volksmoordsaak teen Israel in die Internasionale Geregshof in Den Haag in Nederland voorgelê, en Israel antwoord vandag daarop....