Tag: jobs

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‘We see trucks, not jobs’

‘We see trucks, not jobs’

Annalise Tauros (60) sits on the roadside outside Uis in the Erongo region. She’s hoping for a passing tourist to buy one of the beautiful but cheap gemstones she scraped from the earth nearby. That rarely happens any more. Instead she watches large trucks carrying hauls from mines now enmeshed in the global scramble for...

Choppies opens 3 new stores, creates 130 jobs

Choppies opens 3 new stores, creates 130 jobs

Choppies opens 3 new stores, creates 130 jobs – The Brief is Namibia’s leading Daily Business, Finance and Economic News publication Choppies Namibia opened three new stores this week at Oshakati and Rosh Pinah, bringing its total number of stores to 18 and creating 130 additional jobs. This comes as earlier this year, the Botswana-headquartered supermarket...

Nearly half of NYS recruits struggle to get jobs

Nearly half of NYS recruits struggle to get jobs

Of the 6 539 recruits from the National Youth Service (NYS) since 2005, 3 550 (54%) managed to secure employment – while 46% have been hoping for the tables to turn in their favour in a land where youth unemployment stands at 48%. This was noted by vice president Nangolo Mbumba, whose keynote speech was...

‘It’s unfair to ask graduates to create jobs’

‘It’s unfair to ask graduates to create jobs’

The founder and rector of Triumphant College, Geoffrey Kiangi, says it is unfair to expect graduates to embark on entrepreneurial ventures immediately after completing their studies. Kiangi made these remarks last week at the college’s curriculum and course offerings review workshop in Windhoek. He said entrepreneurship requires substantial resources for one to create a sustainable...

Bereits 500 Jobs im Wasserstoffsektor geschaffen

Bereits 500 Jobs im Wasserstoffsektor geschaffen

© Petmal/iStock Rund 500 Namibier sollen bisher eine Anstellung im aufstrebenden Wasserstoff-Sektor gefunden haben. Dies würden erste Schätzungen zeigen, erklärte der Vorsitzende des Green Hydrogen Councils, Obeth Kandjoze. Es handele sich zu 80 Prozent um Arbeitnehmer aus der Gruppe der vormals benachteiligten Namibier. Indessen rief Kandjoze auch dazu auf, noch mehr Zeit und Ressourcen in...

Universities, Stop Offering Courses No One Gets Jobs In

Universities, Stop Offering Courses No One Gets Jobs In

As an individual who has a keen interest in education, I have been wondering about where our Namibian education system is leading us. Essentially, even though universities continue to produce an increasing number of graduates annually, industries do not absorb most of them, and this has been attributed to a small labour force, among others,...

China boasts of saving Namibian jobs

China boasts of saving Namibian jobs

Chinese ambassador to Namibia, Zhao Weiping says the decision by China National Uranium Corporation Limited to acquire a controlling stake in Rössing Uranium, saved thousands of Namibian jobs. The company was formerly owned by the British-Australian conglomerate Rio Tinto. He also desputed the notion that Chinese companies solely exploit Namibia’s natural resources without benefiting locals....

Jobs hang in the balance as B2 Gold Otjikoto Mine reaches lifespan

Jobs hang in the balance as B2 Gold Otjikoto Mine reaches lifespan

B2 Gold Otjikoto mine will continue with its processing operations beyond the 2026 closure of the mine. After the closure, it will process all its stockpiles until they are exhausted by approximately 2031. Ten years after its commissioning in 2013, the mine has come to the end of its economic lifespan. Disclosing the phased closure...