Tag: Menzies

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Menzies poog nog ‘n appèl vanoggend

Menzies poog nog ‘n appèl vanoggend

Menzies poog nog ‘n appèl vanoggend Menzies Aviation sal vandag weer poog om toestemming te kry om in die hooggeregshof te appelleer teen regter Shafimana Ueitele se vroeëre weiering van verlof tot appèl op 3 Oktober. Die maatskappy het redelike kennisgewing om die perseel by die Hosea Kutako Internasionale Lughawe te verlaat, gevra. Menzies voer...

Menzies swoeg voort in hoërhof

Menzies swoeg voort in hoërhof

Menzies swoeg voort in hoërhof Die hof-sage oor die vrag- en grondhanteringsdienste by die Hosea Kutako Internasionale Lughawe duur voort. Menzies Aviation se aansoek teen sy uitsetting by die lughawe sonder dat ‘n geldige en wettige lasbrief van uitsetting verkry en uitgereik is ná die hofbevel op 8 Augustus, kom vandag voor regter Herman Oosthuizen....


Menzies Aviation seeks leave to appeal High Court judgement…Says Judge Ueitele erred in law and fact – Windhoek Observer

Niël Terblanché Menzies Aviation Namibia has officially announced its intention to seek permission to appeal a recent High Court judgment delivered at the beginning of October this year. On October 3, 2023, Justice Shafimana Ueitele of the Namibian High Court handed down a judgment and order of costs that dismissed Menzies Aviation’s Rule 121 application....

No right to airport contract for Menzies, judge says

No right to airport contract for Menzies, judge says

The airport services company Menzies Aviation (Namibia) has no right to claim that the contract for the provision of ground handling services at Hosea Kutako International Airport should be given to it, a judge has stated in a judgement delivered in the Windhoek High Court yesterday. Judge Shafimana Ueitele made the remark in a judgement...

Menzies Aviation verliert erneut vor Gericht

Menzies Aviation verliert erneut vor Gericht

© Zolnierek/iStock Das Unternehmen Menzies Aviation hat erneut eine gerichtliche Niederlage einstecken müssen. Oberrichter Shafimana Ueitele wies einen weiteren Eilantrag des britischen Luftfahrtbodenabwicklers ab. Menzies wollte durchsetzen, wieder Zugang zum Internationalen Flughafen Hosea Kutako zu erhalten. Deshalb war der Eilantrag unter anderen gegen den Flughafenbetreiber NAC und den neuen Bodenabwickler Paragon Investment eingereicht worden. Mitte...

High Court rejects Menzies Aviation’s airport return request

High Court rejects Menzies Aviation’s airport return request

The recent urgent application by Menzies Aviation Namibia was rejected by the Windhoek High Court. Menzies had requested a court order permitting them to resume operations at Hosea Kutako International Airport until the Namibian Airports Company formally instructed them to vacate the premises. NAC spokesperson Dan Kamati. https://futuremedia.com.na/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/ENG-Dan-Kamati-court.wav Source link

Menzies Aviation dealt yet another blow

Menzies Aviation dealt yet another blow

Menzies Aviation was dealt yet another blow in its attempts to reverse a decision to award ground handling services to a competitor, Paragon Investments. The High Court today dismissed Menzies Aviation’s latest urgent application, in which the company asks that it be permitted to resume ground handling services at the Hosea Kutako International Airport. Menzies...

Loss for Menzies in latest round of airport battle

Loss for Menzies in latest round of airport battle

Airport services company Menzies Aviation (Namibia) has suffered a loss in its latest attempt to be allowed to return to the premises it previously used at Hosea Kutako International Airport. Menzies’ latest urgent application against the Namibia Airports Company (NAC) and airport services competitor Paragon Investment Holdings was dismissed by judge Shafimana Ueitele in the...