Tag: Mills

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Namib Mills seëvier teen Amushelelo in die hof

Namib Mills seëvier teen Amushelelo in die hof

Namib Mills seëvier teen Amushelelo in die hof Regter Hannelie Prinsloo het vanoggend ‘n tussentydse interdik uitgereik om Michael Amushelelo en ‘n groep van 26 te keer om die ingang na die maatskappy se perseel onwettig te versper en te dreig om sy bedrywighede te staak. Die bevel is tot 3 Mei van krag en...

Namib Mills gets interdict against Amushelelo, workers – News

Namib Mills gets interdict against Amushelelo, workers – News

A HIGH Court judge has issued an interim interdict to stop social activist Michael Amushelelo and a group of 26 people working at Namib Mills from unlawfully blocking the entrance to the company’s premises and threatening to shut down its operations.The interim order was issued by judge Hannelie Prinsloo in the Windhoek High Court on...

Namib Mills sleep Amushelelo en kie hof toe

Namib Mills sleep Amushelelo en kie hof toe

Namib Mills sleep Amushelelo en kie hof toe Namib Mills daag Michael Amushelelo, die Namibiese vakbond vir kleinhandel werkers, die NEFF-party en talle ander, sowel as die inspekteur-generaal van die Namibiese polisie in die hoërhof uit. Luidens stukke sal die saak op 2 April aangehoor word. Die maatskappy soek verskeie interdikte teen die eerste 29...

Amushelelo peuter weer by Namib Mills

Amushelelo peuter weer by Namib Mills

Amushelelo peuter weer by Namib Mills Die berugte NEFF-lid Michael Amushelelo het vanoggend Namib Mills se verspreidingsdepot in die hoofstad gesluit, blykbaar omdat vragmotorbestuurders meer betaal moet word. Die polisie het hom verwyder na hy die hek blokkeer het. Post navigation Source link

Namib Mills unveils groundbreaking carbon emission reduction project – Business Express

Namib Mills unveils groundbreaking carbon emission reduction project – Business Express

Namib Mills Investment Group has announced the successful completion of its Solar Emission Reduction Project, marking a significant step towards a sustainable and greener future for Namibia. The project involves the construction and operation of a solar plant, reinforcing Namib Mills Investment Group’s commitment to environmental responsibility and energy independence. The solar plant, which is...

Namib Mills reageer op Hardap-krisis

Namib Mills reageer op Hardap-krisis

Namib Mills reageer op Hardap-krisis Die lae vlak van die Hardapdam, wat tans minder as 19 persent vol is, wek oral kommer. Mielie- en lusernprodusente by die groenskema maak staat op die dam vir water maar as dit nie begin reën nie, sal alle besproeiing teen einde Maart moet staak wat katastrofies sal wees. Kosmos...

Renowned author Greg Mills launches latest book in Windhoek

Renowned author Greg Mills launches latest book in Windhoek

Staff Reporter THE Director of the Johannesburg-based Brenthurst Foundation and best-selling author, Dr. Greg Mills, recently launched his latest book entitled “Rich State, Poor State” in Windhoek. The launch of this book was supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Namibia – Angola Office as partners of the Brenthurst Foundation. According to KAS, the book’s purpose is...

Numsa sê owerhede moet ingryp by SA Steel Mills

Numsa sê owerhede moet ingryp by SA Steel Mills

Numsa sê owerhede moet ingryp by SA Steel Mills Die buurland se metaalwerkersvakbond Numsa doen ‘n beroep op die arbeidsdepartement om in te gryp by SA Steel Mills in Sedibeng, Gauteng, nadat gesmelte staal vier werkers verlede week gebrand het. Die bestuur skryf die ongeluk toe aan ‘n verkoelingswaterpomp wat stukkend was. Die vakbond beskuldig...

Namib Mills agrees to negotiate wages – WINDHOEK OBSERVER

Namib Mills agrees to negotiate wages – WINDHOEK OBSERVER

Martin Endja Namib Mills and the Namibia Revolutionary Transport Union (NARETU) finally agreed to negotiate employee wages following a lengthy meeting between the two parties. The company faced a gloomy blue Monday after operations were halted when employees downed tools countrywide. The employees accused Namib Mills of refusing on numerous occasions to entertain their proposal...