Tag: NamRA

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Finance Ministry allocates N$3.9 billion to PSEMAS, NamRA

Finance Ministry allocates N$3.9 billion to PSEMAS, NamRA

The Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises has allocated a total budget of N$2.9 billion towards the Public Service Employee Medical Aid Scheme (PSEMAS) and N$1 billion to the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA). Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises Maureen Hinda-Mbuende said the allocations are pivotal for effective tax collection and providing good health services...


NamRA introduces EUR.1 Movement Certificate for exporters

The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) this week announced a significant development for exporters and manufacturers operating within various trade agreements, effective 1 April. NamRA will commence the issuance of the EUR.1 Movement Certificate to streamline and expedite exports. The EUR.1 Certificate serves as a crucial document verifying the origin of goods destined for the European...

NamRa skort Acasia se klaringsagent-lisensie op

NamRa skort Acasia se klaringsagent-lisensie op

NamRa skort Acasia se klaringsagent-lisensie op Die Namibiese Inkomste-agentskap, NamRa, het die klaringsagent-lisensie wat aan Acasia Customs Clearance CC uitgereik is, opgeskort. Dit kom te midde van ‘n ondersoek na beweerde regulatoriese nie-nakoming. NamRa kommissaris Sam Shivute sê in ‘n verklaring die ondersoek hou verband met die verdwyning van vrag verlede jaar by die Hosea...

NamRa announces progress on TransKalahari – Mamuno One-Stop Border Post construction

NamRa announces progress on TransKalahari – Mamuno One-Stop Border Post construction

Staff Reporter THE Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) has announced that construction of the TransKalahari – Mamuno one-stop border post is currently underway and scheduled for completion in May. According to NamRA’s Chief Strategic Communications and Support Engagements, Yarukeekuro Ndorokaze, the one-stop border post is expected to streamline border control procedures, alleviate congestion, and reduce long...

We are not killing small businesses – NamRA

We are not killing small businesses – NamRA

The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) says it is committed to ensuring compliance with regulations and facilitating smooth operations for all businesses. The country’s tax collector dispelled concerns, particularly among ‘order-with-me’ businesses, that their processes might hinder or even shut down small enterprises. NamRA acting Commissioner Nadine Du Preez said customs clearance can be a complex process...

NamRA collects N$52.9 billion in first year of operation 

NamRA collects N$52.9 billion in first year of operation 

The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) says it collected N$52.9 billion in its inaugural year of operation, exceeding its revised revenue target of N$49.44 billion by N$3.5 billion. The financial report for 2021/22 released by the tax collection agency shows that net domestic tax collection stood at N$34.8 billion, while customs and excise collections amounted to...

NamRA neem, en gee ook terug

NamRA neem, en gee ook terug

NamRA neem, en gee ook terug Die Namibiese Inkomstediens, NamRA, sê hulle het reeds 46 941 belasting terugbetalings suksesvol afgehandel. Dit het aan 46 772 individuele salaristrekkers en penionarisse gegaan, uit ‘n totaal van 78 441 belasting-opgawes wat verwerk is. Die totale waarde van die terugbetalings is bykans 101 miljoen Namibiese dollar, wat aansienlike finansiële...

NamRA pays out N$100.9m in tax refunds

NamRA pays out N$100.9m in tax refunds

The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) says it has disbursed a cumulative N$100.9 million to eligible taxpayers as part of its Mass Tax Refund exercise. According to NamRA, out of the 78,441 tax returns processed, a total of 46,941 refunds have been successfully disbursed to 46,772 individual salaried persons and pensioners. “While the majority of refunds...

NamRA toegewyd daaraan om dwelms uit te hou

NamRA toegewyd daaraan om dwelms uit te hou

NamRA toegewyd daaraan om dwelms uit te hou ‘n 51-jarige Namibiese man het in die Karasburg-landdroshof verskyn nadat Mandrax-tablette ter waarde van net meer as 1,9 miljoen Namibiese dollar deur doeane-beamptes in sy vragmotor gekry is. Hy is by die Ariamsvlei grenspos in hegtenis geneem. Die saak is uitgestel tot 16 Mei. Kosmos 94.1 Nuus...


NamRA foils drug smuggling attempt at Ariamsvlei Border Post

The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) Customs Officers stationed at the Ariamsvlei Border Post in the //Kharas Region bore fruit this week as they intercepted a consignment of suspected Mandrax tablets with an estimated value of N$1.9 million. NamRa in a statement said the suspect, a Namibian truck driver known to frequent the border, was apprehended...