KATIMA MULILO: Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah has called for the revival of the Kalimbeza rice project to enhance food security in Namibia. Envisaged to be the major rice project in the country, the Kalimbeza rice project situated 56 kilometres from Katima Mulilo has not been operational since 2021, amongst others due to broken machinery and...
Tag: NandiNdaitwah
Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah oye omuhololwa pelesidente woSwapo
Etokolo longudumutima yoSwapo opo i nuke po oshoongalele osho hashi hoolola pelesidente wongudu naashi ya koleka Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah opo a ninge omuhoololwa pelesidente wongudu otali shekwa kovanhu vahapu neenghono. Ovaleli vamwe vongudu otava ti ekotamhango longudu ola piyaanekwa opo li twe kumwe nelelo olo li li ko paife. Oshilyo shonguduwiliki yoSwapo (Politburo) Sisa Namandje, mOlomakaya...
Legal loophole allows Nandi-Ndaitwah presidential candidacy
The decision of Swapo’s central committee (CC) to sidestep an extraordinary congress and to endorse Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as presidential candidate has been met with criticism. Some party leaders claim the party’s constitution was interpreted to suit the current leadership. Swapo politburo member, lawyer Sisa Namandje, on Saturday explained what the party’s constitution says about an...
Swapo Central Committee confirms Nandi-Ndaitwah as presidential candidate
WINDHOEK: Swapo Party Vice President, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, will remain the ruling party’s presidential candidate for the forthcoming presidential elections later this year. This is among the resolutions adopted at the party’s central committee (CC) meeting on Saturday, which also resolved that the ruling party will only hold an extraordinary congress next year. The CC met...
Swapo Central Committee endorses Nandi-Ndaitwah as presidential candidate – Windhoek Observer
Stefanus Nashama SWAPO CC resolves: – Extraordinary Congress in 2025– Nujoma urges support for NN– Ivula-Ithana backs decision– Namandje says the Swapo constitution does not force the party to have extraordinary congress The Swapo Party Central Committee has over the weekend endorsed its Vice-President, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah to stand as the sole presidential candidate for the...
Swapo Party reaffirms Nandi-Ndaitwah as Presidential candidate
The Swapo Party Central Committee clarified its decision about its presidential candidate for the November 2024 elections. The committee confirmed Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as the Presidential candidate of the party, a position she automatically acquired as the party’s Vice President and the sole candidate at the 2022 Congress. There have been challenges from within the party...
Swapo Party reaffirms Nandi-Ndaitwah as Presidential candidate – nbc
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Nandi-Ndaitwah is presidentskandidaat – Kosmos 94.1
Nandi-Ndaitwah is presidentskandidaat Swapo se visepresident, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, is deur die sentrale komitee as die party se presidentskandidaat vir die nasionale verkiesing in November onderskryf. Die vergadering is genoodsaak nadat die politburo Nandi-Ndaitwah se kandidaatskap vir president onderskryf het sonder dat die sentrale komitee daaroor besluit het. Dit het het Swapo se grondwet oor die...
Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah did not need endorsement as a presidential candidate – nbc
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Nandi-Ndaitwah cruises to presidential candidacy
Swapo vice president Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah was endorsed by the central committee as the party’s presidential candidate for the national election in November on Saturday. The meeting, held at parliament on Saturday, also resolved to push the much talked about extraordinary congress to 19 April 2025. “I stand with pride today and tell you that the...