Tag: NSA

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NSA besig met derde fase van sensus-proses

NSA besig met derde fase van sensus-proses

NSA besig met derde fase van sensus-proses Die Namibië Statistieke Agentskap onderneem tans die derde fase van die sensuskartering. Dit is die finale fase van die sogenaamde “post enumeration survey” genaamd die versoeningsoperasie, wat van 1 tot 14 Februarie uitgevoer sal word. Beamptes sal dan na huishoudings terugkeer waar die data van persone nie klop...

NSA will be returning to the households in February

NSA will be returning to the households in February

Officials from the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) will be returning to the households in February as part of the final phase of the Post-Enumeration Survey Reconciliation exercise. The households to be visited are those with persons whose details do not match the information collected during the Census and Post-Enumeration Survey. The NSA conducted the post-enumeration...

NSA to start census data reconciliation

NSA to start census data reconciliation

The Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) says it will launch a reconciliation operation in February to verify discrepancies in data captured during the 2023 National Population and Housing Census and its post enumeration survey. NSA Statistician General Alex Shimuafeni said the exercise is an assurance check of the post enumeration survey to ensure that all data...

Uitvoere op opwaartse trajek: NSA

Uitvoere op opwaartse trajek: NSA

Uitvoere op opwaartse trajek: NSA Namibië se uitvoer-inkomste het in November verlede jaar ‘n beduidende maand-tot-maand verhoging van 73 persent getoon vanaf die 6,8 miljard Namibiese dollar wat in Oktober gemeet is, tot 11,8 miljard dollar. Invoere het in November met 39,7 persent toegeneem vanaf 11,3 miljard in Oktober, wat gelei het tot ‘n verbeterde...


NSA records third quarter GDP growth of N$6.8 billion – Windhoek Observer

Stefanus Nashama The Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) has recorded the economic expansion of N$6.8 billion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the third quarter of 2023. NSA Statistician-General, Alex Shimuafeni, announced this yesterday and said the size of the Namibian economy, as quantified by the GDP at current prices, reached N$59.7 billion during the...

NSA gesels oor sterftes in Namibië

NSA gesels oor sterftes in Namibië

NSA gesels oor sterftes in Namibië Die verslag oor sterftes en die oorsake daarvan deur die Namibië Statistiek-agentskap gee die statistieke vir die jare 2018 tot 2021. Die verslag is gebaseer op sterftedata wat ingesamel is deur die Namibiese siviele registrasiestelsel wat deur die binnelandse sake-ministerie onderhou word. Kosmos 94.1 Nuus het met die NSA...

NSA zeigt sich zufrieden mit Volkszählung

NSA zeigt sich zufrieden mit Volkszählung

© NSA Die Statistikagentur (NSA) hat ein weiteres Update zur Volkszählung gegeben. Demnach ist der Prozess der Haupt- und Nacherhebung zwischen dem 18. September und 24. November erfolgreich abgeschlossen worden. Anders als in vielen Staaten wurden physisch alle Personen, die zur Stichnacht am 24. September 2023 im Land waren, gezählt. Erstmals wurde die Befragung digital...


Trade deficit reaches N$4.5 billion – NSA

The country’s trade balance experienced a deficit of N$4.5 billion, during October, Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) Statistician General, Alex Shimuafeni revealed in the latest trade statistics released on Tuesday. This figure marks an increase compared to the N$3.3 billion recorded in September 2023 and the N$2.2 billion deficit noted in October 2022. According to Shimuafeni,...