Tag: Outjo

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Outjo Tourism Center turning into a white elephant

Outjo Tourism Center turning into a white elephant

Although Outjo in the Kunene Region is considered one of the gateways to the Etosha National Park, its tourism centre has recorded little to no tourists making use of its services. The nbc News team caught up with an employee at the centre, Ndapandula Hailonga, who confirmed the centre has recorded its lowest service level...

Drie in Outjo gevang met dagga

Drie in Outjo gevang met dagga

Drie in Outjo gevang met dagga Drie verdagtes is in twee afsonderlike gevalle in Outjo gearresteer vir die besit van dagga. In die eerste geval is ‘n 73-jarige pensionaris by sy huis in Kap en Bou, Etoshapoort betrap met 18 sakke dagga. Daarna is twee mans, ‘n 31-jarige Namibiër en ‘n 39-jarige Zambiër, in hegtenis...

Outjo drills larger borehole | nbc

Outjo drills larger borehole | nbc

The Outjo Town Council has drilled a larger borehole to increase the water supply to the town and address water supply challenges. Although the town supplies water from its underground water reservoir, the supply has been a challenge for over four years. This is largely due to the subduction of underground water, continued infrastructure damage,...

Outjo District gets assistance to address cervical cancer

Outjo District gets assistance to address cervical cancer

The Outjo District in the Kunene Region will benefit greatly from the collaboration between the Cancer Association of Namibia (CAN) and the Ministry of Health and Social Services, where they will work together to address the urgent issue of cervical cancer within the community. The Cancer Association said the Outjo District medical team has orchestrated...


Cervical screening campaign set for Outjo

The Cancer Association of Namibia (CAN) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Services will run a cervical screening campaign set for 25 to 29 September 2023, at Outjo in the Kunene Region. According to CAN Chief Executive Officer, Rolf Hansen on Friday, the collaborative project aims to make cervical cancer screening services...

Outjo Wildsfees se wildsveiling ‘n reuse-sukses – Kosmos 94.1

Outjo Wildsfees se wildsveiling ‘n reuse-sukses – Kosmos 94.1

Outjo Wildsfees se wildsveiling ‘n reuse-sukses Die Outjo Wildsfees se wildsveiling van Du Preez Wild word as ’n reuse-sukses deur Agra Veilings beskou. By die wildsveiling by Sophienhof Lodge is twee renosterkoeie vir 320 000 Namibiese dollar verkoop, ‘n swartwitpens het vir 140 000 dollar onder die hamer gekom, ‘n lechwe-bul vir meer as 60...

Outjo Wildsfees se wildsveiling begin om 11:00 – Kosmos 94.1

Outjo Wildsfees se wildsveiling begin om 11:00 – Kosmos 94.1

Outjo Wildsfees se wildsveiling begin om 11:00 Dit Outjo Wildsfees is in rep en roer met ‘n vrolike feestelike atmosfeer wat by Sophienhof Lodge heers. Die groot hoogtepunt is die gesogte wildveiling wat vanoggend om elf-uur plaasvind. Die veiling sal ter plaatse en aanlyn aangebied word. Afslaer Henno Badenhorst van Agra Veilings het met Yanna...

Gesogte wildsveiling môre op Outjo Wildsfees – Kosmos 94.1

Gesogte wildsveiling môre op Outjo Wildsfees – Kosmos 94.1

Gesogte wildsveiling môre op Outjo Wildsfees Dit Outjo Wildsfees by Sophienhof Lodge is in rep en roer en een groot vrolikheid. Die groot hoogtepunt is die gesogte wildveiling wat môre plaasvind. Die veiling sal ter plaatse en aanlyn om elf-uur die oggend aangebied word. Kosmos 94.1 Nuus het met afslaer Henno Badenhorst van Agra Veilings...