Tag: productivity

Home productivity
Rangeland productivity, utilization and degradation

Rangeland productivity, utilization and degradation

Rangeland is defined as an area of land with natural forage materials that are utilized by livestock and wild animals. Its productivity depends on rainfall and utilization. Rangeland plants require favorable environmental conditions and protection for their establishment, distribution, and resilience in agroecosystems or on livestock farming lands. In particular, the most important attributes to...

Productivity or a Shorter Workweek? – Business Home 4

Productivity or a Shorter Workweek? – Business Home 4

A four-day workweek has captured the attention of Namibians, with the pundits claiming giving workers an extra day off increases productivity. Those promoting the move to a four-day workweek, from the concept stage to reality, swiftly highlight the pros, but are taciturn when it comes to the cons. Reportedly the four-day workweek concept is being...


Revised resettlement policy aimed at improved agricultural productivity – Windhoek Observer

Niël Terblanché In a significant stride towards rectifying past injustices and fostering equitable land distribution, the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Calle Schlettwein, presented the revised national resettlement policy to Parliament on Tuesday. Set to come into effect in April 2024, the new policy will span the next decade and aims to ensure...

Construction industry raises productivity drop concerns over 4-day week proposal

Construction industry raises productivity drop concerns over 4-day week proposal

The Construction Industries Federation of Namibia (CIF) has expressed concerns about the proposed four-day workweek, citing the country’s current productivity level as a potential hurdle.   CIF highlighted that current output sits at 40% of potential, based on a five-day workweek.  It said implementing a four-day schedule without addressing core productivity challenges might not generate positive...

FDI, gender spillovers and firm productivity: The Namibian case

FDI, gender spillovers and firm productivity: The Namibian case

By Freeman Ya Ngulu. Reem El Sherif, who currently leads Strategy in Rand Merchant Bank Namibia, did research on Gender Spillovers in foreign direct investments and how this applies to Namibian institutions. The Stellenbosch Business School graduate found in her research that the female labour channel tends to have a greater presence than the total...

Productivity week launched | nbc

Productivity week launched | nbc

A nation’s wealth is not measured solely by the abundance of material possessions but rather by the collective effort of its people to create, innovate, and contribute to the betterment of society. Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation, Utoni Nujoma, shared these sentiments at the launch of this year’s Annual Productivity Awareness Campaign...