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Moses ||Garoëb tries to bridge information gap on government assistance programmes

WINDHOEK: In a concerning revelation, the general population in the urban informal settlements is largely unaware of government small business support programmes and training initiatives for young people. Despite the government’s efforts to roll out various support programmes aimed at fostering entrepreneurship, many people in Windhoek’s informal settlements remain unaware of these opportunities. The lack...


Capricorn Group commits N$600,000 towards entrepreneurial training programmes – Windhoek Observer

Martin Endjala The Capricorn Foundation, in one of its key focus areas of economic advancement, has committed N$600,000 towards training programmes to create employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, for members of the Women at Work and Men on the Side of the Road (MSR) organisations. According to the Capricorn Group Foundation’s Executive Officer, Marlize Horn Namibia...


Mbumba calls on ministries to implement outstanding programmes

By Adolf Kaure. Namibian President H.E. Dr. Nangolo Mbumba said that Namibia is back on a positive trajectory of economic recovery in various sectors, when he delivered his statement for the opening session of Cabinet at Parliament on Tuesday. The sectors boosting the economy comprise agriculture, mining, fisheries, tourism as well as oil, gas and...

UNESCO programmes’ success lies in member-state synergies

UNESCO programmes’ success lies in member-state synergies

Namibia has emphasised the pivotal role of collaboration to enhance the impact of collective endeavours. Delivering Namibia’s statement at the 42nd session of UNESCO’s General Conference in Paris, the Minister of Higher Education, Technology, and Innovation, Dr. Itah Kandjii-Murangi, pointed out that the success of the world body’s initiatives hinges upon close collaboration and synergy...


‘Include us when developing programmes for us’: ||Kharas youth

KEETMANSHOOP: Young people from the ||Kharas Region said there is a need for Government to involve more young people when developing programmes aimed to address unemployment among young people. These sentiments were part of the inputs from some youth on Tuesday in Keetmanshoop, during a public hearing by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resources...

Gov investigates farmers’ requests for livestock support programmes

Gov investigates farmers’ requests for livestock support programmes

Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says the government is looking into farmers’ requests for livestock support programmes as part of the drought relief efforts. The Premier was responding to Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) MP Diederik Vries, who questioned the government about the alleged discrimination against farmers who started moving to new grazing areas before the first...