Tag: Psychologist

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Spanking children not advisable – psychologist

Spanking children not advisable – psychologist

A Windhoek-based psychologist says it is time for Namibia to ban the physical punishment of children, like many other countries around the world. Shaun Whittaker says the ban on spanking in schools should be extended to households. “At the moment, spanking is banned at schools, but it should be extended to the rest of the...

‘Lichtenstrasser’s confession is unreliable’ – Clinical Psychologist

‘Lichtenstrasser’s confession is unreliable’ – Clinical Psychologist

Samuel Shinedima UTE Sinkala, the psychologist who evaluated Ernst Lichtenstrasser’s mental and psychological well-being, said that the confession made by the accused in the NIMT double murder case is unreliable. Lichtenstrasser is currently on trial for the murder of two senior executives at NIMT in Arandis in 2019. The confession in question arose from police...