Tag: Rani

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NEFF condemns High Court judgement in favour of Rani Group

NEFF condemns High Court judgement in favour of Rani Group

The judgement was delivered in the High Court on Friday by judge Shafimana Ueitele following an interim order issued in December last year. The court order was given to the NEFF and its followers, including its president Epafras Mukwiilongo, deputy leader Longinus Iipumbu and Michael Amushelelo. They are prohibited from acting illegally by seeking the...

Amushelelo en kie mag nie naby Rani kom nie

Amushelelo en kie mag nie naby Rani kom nie

Amushelelo en kie mag nie naby Rani kom nie Die tussentydse bevel wat Michael Amushelelo en sy EFF-leierskap verbied het om binne 200 meter van Rani Trading op Oshakati te kom is deur regter Shafimana Ueitele bevestig. Die beslissing sluit in enige dreigemente teenoor werknemers van Rani Trading, insluited teistering, intimidasie en geweld. Daar mag...

Rani group extends support to impoverished single mother

Rani group extends support to impoverished single mother

Staff Reporter THE Rani Group which has been criticized for sourcing its workforce from a labour-hire company of Tsumeb regional councillor Gotty Ndjedjela, has offered direct employment opportunity to an impoverished single mother of seven children. The company has also provided her with children’s clothes and groceries worth N$4 000. Rani’s management said that it...

Rani sê Amushelelo het hofbevel oortree, hy verskyn vanoggend

Rani sê Amushelelo het hofbevel oortree, hy verskyn vanoggend

Rani sê Amushelelo het hofbevel oortree, hy verskyn vanoggend Die nou omstrede arbeidsaktivis Michael Amushelelo het blykbaar ‘n hofbevel vat hom verhoed om binne 100 meter van Rani Traders op Oshakati te kom, Maandag oortree het. Hy is gearresteer maar later vrygelaat en sal vanoggend in die laerhof op die dorp in die verband verskyn....

Rani rakes in up to N$8m a day during festive season

Rani rakes in up to N$8m a day during festive season

Businessman Ali Dharani of the Rani Group of Companies says he would have lost up to N$8 million per day if the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) closed down his shops over the festive season. “I estimate that, should the respondents carry out their threat to shut down all my businesses countrywide (particularly in the...

NEFF welcomes ministry investigating Rani Group

NEFF welcomes ministry investigating Rani Group

Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) deputy leader Kalimbo Iipumbu has welcomed the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation’s investigation of the Rani Group of Companies. Iipumbu said this in a statement on Tuesday. The investigation comes after the suspension of 84 employees, following a protest at Oshakati about working conditions, among others. After...

Arbeid-ministerie ondersoek klagtes by Rani

Arbeid-ministerie ondersoek klagtes by Rani

Arbeid-ministerie ondersoek klagtes by Rani Die arbeid-ministerie het ‘n ondersoek begin na beweerde onwettige praktyke by die Rani Groep van Maatskappye. In ‘n verklaring sê die ministerie ‘n onlangse arbeidsgeskil het gelei tot ‘n ongemagtigde staking en daaropvolgende skorsing van werkers in Oshakati, wat ‘n soortgelyke voorval vroeër vanjaar in Rundu weerspieël. Terwyl die ministerie...

Ministry of Labour Investigate Rani Group

Ministry of Labour Investigate Rani Group

The Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation has launched an investigation into alleged unlawful practices at the Rani Group of Companies. In a statement, the ministry says a recent labour dispute led to an unauthorised strike and subsequent suspension of workers, echoing a similar incident earlier this year in Rundu. While the Ministry...

SPYL engages Rani Group of companies

SPYL engages Rani Group of companies

In an effort to address concerns related to working conditions and the labour hire system, the Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) has entered into discussions with the Rani Group of Companies. This follows the suspension of several employees by the company in the wake of a protest. Central to the dispute are alleged unjustifiable salary...