Tips on how to enjoy eating out at restaurants without breaking the bank If you don’t spend wisely, December can quickly become a very expensive month, leaving you with an empty bank account when January rolls around. While no one is saying you shouldn’t go out and enjoy the festivities, one has to be mindful...
January 1, 2025
Tag: restaurants
October 22, 2023October 22, 2023Uncategorized
Man avoids paying his bill at 20 restaurants by faking heart attack
The bill can sometimes sneak up on you at restaurants after you’ve had a great meal and a good time. You may have even got a skrik when you checked the total cost at the bottom, but you’re obliged to pay for what you’ve devoured. However, one man supposedly got so frightened after seeing his...
October 22, 2023October 22, 2023Uncategorized
Man avoids paying his bill at 20 restaurants by faking heart attack
The bill can sometimes sneak up on you at restaurants after you’ve had a great meal and a good time. You may have even got a skrik when you checked the total cost at the bottom, but you’re obliged to pay for what you’ve devoured. However, one man supposedly got so frightened after seeing his bill in...