Ondersteun Sauma so teen uraanontginning Reaksie is ontvang van die Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association, of Sauma, oor die sperdatum vir kommentaar op Uranium One se omgewingsimpakstudie vir toetsmynbedrywighede op die plaas Tripoli buite Leonardville, wat verleng is tot Vrydag, 23 Februarie. Sauma staan enige uraanontginning deur Uranium One en sy Namibiese filiaal Headspring Investments...
Tag: Sauma
SAUMA raises deep concern over the threat to Stampriet Artesian Basin – Windhoek Observer
Niël terblanché The Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association (SAUMA) Management Committee has penned an urgent open letter addressed to key stakeholders, including Members of Cabinet, Members of Parliament, Standing Committees, Regional Governors, Councilors, Traditional Authorities, and the Namibian public. SAUMA expressed deep concerns regarding the proposed In Situ Leach Mining of Uranium in the Stampriet...
Sauma warns of water contamination and litigation
The Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association (Sauma), an organisation fighting to protect the drinking water in the Stampriet basin, has warned the government about a national catastrophe, including litigation, should full-scale in-situ leach mining be allowed in the area. In an open letter to members of Cabinet, members of parliament, standing committees, regional governors, councillors,...
Sauma takes in-situ mining fight to parliament
THE Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association (Sauma) has expressed concern about in-situ uranium mining in the Stampriet Artesian Basin, in a presentation to the parliamentary standing committee on natural resources. Sauma is a non-profit organisation made up of a group of farmers, game ranchers and lodge owners, who are opposed to in-situ mining in the...
Stampriet-myn sal nooit gerehabiliteer kan word nie – Sauma
Stampriet-myn sal nooit gerehabiliteer kan word nie – Sauma Die Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association, oftewel Sauma, sê hy het tydens die onlangse openbare vergadering met die parlementêre staande komitee beklemtoon dat sou uraan ontgin word, die myn altyd sal bestaan in die Stampriet-bekken. Divan Opperman voorsitter van Sauma sê die myn sal nooit werklik...
Over 7,000 boreholes face contamination – SAUMA
Business Reporter THE Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association (SAUMA) has warned that the proposed In situ leaching (ISL) uranium mining, proposed by Headspring Investments, a Russian company, will pose a risk to around 7,000 boreholes which feed into the Stampriet aquifer, contaminating them with the mining solution used to mine that dissolves uranium and other...
Sauma besoek Rusland, nóg meer bekommerd – Kosmos 94.1
Sauma besoek Rusland, nóg meer bekommerd Drie lede van die Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association, bekend as Sauma, het onlangs saam met ‘n groep op uitnodiging van Uranium One na Rusland gereis om die JSC Dalur-myn in die streek van Chelyabinsk te besoek. Dalur-myn maak gebruik van swaelsuur in in-situ-loging, dieselfde metode wat bedoel is...