Tag: sister

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Brother and sister accused of incest released on bail

Brother and sister accused of incest released on bail

The Tsumeb siblings who have allegedly been in a sexual relationship for over two years were granted bail in an amount of N$500 each in December. They were arrested in July. Magistrate Ndatola Namushinga granted the accused bail with the condition that they do not contact each another. During their bail application they indicated that...

17-year-old boy rapes nine-year-old sister

17-year-old boy rapes nine-year-old sister

Staff Reporter THE Namibian police have reported a case of rape and incest, after a 17-year-old teen boy raped his nine-year-old biological sister in the Ohangwena Region. According to Inspector Raimbert Muronga of the Namibian police, the incident happened at Omungwelume settlement on Monday, 25 September 2023 at about 15:00 hours. It’s alleged that the...

Sister Namibia verskerp veldtog teen geslagsgeweld – Kosmos 94.1

Sister Namibia verskerp veldtog teen geslagsgeweld – Kosmos 94.1

Sister Namibia verskerp veldtog teen geslagsgeweld Sister Namibia gaan terug na waar dit alles begin het. Sister Namibia is ‘n organisasie wat al jare lank in Namibië bekend is deur artikels oor maatskaplike aangeleenthede soos geslagsgeweld in tydskrifte te publiseer. Hulle beplan om terug te gaan na daardie dae omdat hulle die behoefte sien om...

Brother, sister arrested for alleged incest

Brother, sister arrested for alleged incest

Police in the Oshikoto region arrested a brother and sister for alleged incest at Tsumeb on Wednesday. According to the Oshikoto police, the relationship came into the open following an argument between the suspects at their shared residence. Namibian Police spokesperson Elifas Kuwinga said the fight was allegedly started by the brother who accused his...

Brother and sister charged with incest

Brother and sister charged with incest

Maria David A brother and sister have been arrested in Tsumeb after their illicit relationship was discovered. According to NamPol’s Head of Media, Chief Inspector Elifas Kuwinga, a 21-year-old woman and a 36-year-old man from Saamstaan settlement are facing charges of incest following the revelation that they were involved in a sexual relationship. Kuwinga said...