Tag: sleep

Home sleep

Expensive accommodation forces Namdeb employees to sleep at a bus stop   – Windhoek Observer

Martin Endjala Namdeb workers at Oranjemund opted to sleep at a bus stop due to exorbitant accommodation fees the company is charging them The high prices charged for accommodation left the workers with no choice but to vacate their allocated homes. Landless People’s Movement councillor, Gaume Stephanus of the Rosh Pinah constituency revealed the harsh...

Namib Mills sleep Amushelelo en kie hof toe

Namib Mills sleep Amushelelo en kie hof toe

Namib Mills sleep Amushelelo en kie hof toe Namib Mills daag Michael Amushelelo, die Namibiese vakbond vir kleinhandel werkers, die NEFF-party en talle ander, sowel as die inspekteur-generaal van die Namibiese polisie in die hoërhof uit. Luidens stukke sal die saak op 2 April aangehoor word. Die maatskappy soek verskeie interdikte teen die eerste 29...

Omungwelume residents forced to sleep in sewage water

Omungwelume residents forced to sleep in sewage water

Maria David RESIDENTS of Omungwelume settlement in the Ohangwena Region continue to endure the pain of living in an area filled with sewage for months, despite efforts to approach the relevant authorities for assistance. The sewage water, which flows into nearby roads, grass, and sometimes homes, is causing residents to worry about being exposed to...

Blue California completes groundbreaking human clinical trial on ErgoActive® ergothioneine intervention for cognitive function, memory, and sleep

Blue California completes groundbreaking human clinical trial on ErgoActive® ergothioneine intervention for cognitive function, memory, and sleep

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Blue California, an industry leader in science-driven ingredient development, announced the successful completion of a groundbreaking human clinical trial of ergothioneine. A double-blinded placebo-controlled clinical trial sponsored by Blue California has shown that ErgoActive® ergothioneine supports aspects of cognitive function, memory, and sleep in healthy...

Ministerie sleep voete met stadions, sport ly daaronder

Ministerie sleep voete met stadions, sport ly daaronder

Ministerie sleep voete met stadions, sport ly daaronder Die LPM parlementslid, Utaara Mootu het gereageer op die Onafhanklikheidstadion se trae opknapping. Terwyl die ministerie vir konsultasies vra is daar twyfel of dit die keer na enigiets sal lei met ‘n skamele 37,5 miljoen Namibiese dollar wat die jaar begroot is, ver onder die reeds te...

Sleep where you want to be counted – Shimuafeni

Sleep where you want to be counted – Shimuafeni

The Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) general statistician, Alex Shimuafeni, has urged Namibians to avoid being counted twice in the upcoming census that started on Monday. Shimuafeni said this during a population and census update yesterday at the NSA head office. According to Shimuafeni, it is important to remember who slept in your household and that...

Patients sleep in corridors at Eenhana hospital

Patients sleep in corridors at Eenhana hospital

Expectant mothers at Eenhana hospital in the Ohangwena region sleep in the corridors due to a lack space at the facility. Beds and mattresses are lined against the walls along the narrow corridors of the hospital’s maternity wards, where mothers lie waiting to deliver. Health director of Ohangwena region John Hango said the hospital facilities...

Rehoboth sleep Chinese myn hof toe oor beweerde wanbetaling – Kosmos 94.1

Rehoboth sleep Chinese myn hof toe oor beweerde wanbetaling – Kosmos 94.1

Rehoboth sleep Chinese myn hof toe oor beweerde wanbetaling Die Rehoboth-dorpsraad en Africa Huaxia Mining is besig om oor ‘n skikkingsooreenkoms te onderhandel nadat die Chinese maatskappy hof toe gesleep is weens beweerde agterstallige huur van 3,212 miljoen Namibiese dollar wat dateer van Februarie 2010 tot April verlede jaar. Volgens die dorpsraad is die huur...