Tag: solo

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The Untapped Potential of a Solo Christmas

The Untapped Potential of a Solo Christmas

It’s one of those things that a lot of people have to face over this time of the year, the daunting task of experiencing one of the biggest holidays alone. Be it by choice or circumstance, we often find ourselves not being in the company of those we love and have to make do with...

Belinda vat haar tweede solo Desert Dash

Belinda vat haar tweede solo Desert Dash

Belinda vat haar tweede solo Desert Dash Die Namibiese vroue-fietsryer Belinda van Rhyn het haar tweede Desert Dash ingepalm. Sy het, nes verlede jaar, die vroue solo-kategorie gewen. Tara van Eck van Kosmos 94.1 het haar voorgekeer by die wenstreep maar, sy was uiters uitgeput. Post navigation Source link

Titus’ comedy solo is raunchy and relatable

Titus’ comedy solo is raunchy and relatable

Hildegard Titus takes the stage at her first one-woman comedy show looking like she just answered “yes” to the show’s title: ‘Sister, Can I Do Your hair?’. Her golden goddess braids are flawless. Her form fitting outfit of choice elicits cheers of appreciation from the cocktail-sipping, draft-drinking crowd gathered at Vinyls despite the rainy evening...

Titus teases first solo comedy show

Titus teases first solo comedy show

Hildegard Titus is a woman of many talents, and when not leading the charge to dispatch colonial era statues, she’s also a comedian set to make her one-woman stand-up comedy debut at Vinyls this Thursday. Titled ‘Sister, Can I Do Your Hair?’ and teasing adventures in local salons, the horrors of her first bikini wax...