The Lagos State government on Saturday demolished an illegal structure on Banana Island, constructed on an unauthorised reclaimed land that will obstruct drainage paths. The Commissioner for Physical Planning and Urban Development, Mr Oluyinka Olumide, who led the exercise also ordered the demolition of illegal fences. Olumide was accompanied by the General Manager, Lagos State...
January 1, 2025
Tag: Structure
July 20, 2023July 20, 2023Uncategorized
Donates Money and House Structure to Food Poisoning Survivors” – Namibia Daily News
Staff Reporter KATERE, July 20 – In a heartwarming gesture of solidarity, teachers from Ndiyona and Shinyunguwe circuits in Kavango East region rallied together under the leadership of their education inspectors to provide support for the surviving family of the 16 individuals who tragically perished due to food poisoning in Kayova village, Ndiyona constituency. The...
July 3, 2023July 3, 2023Uncategorized
Namibia: Bank Windhoek Announces Fee Structure
Bank Windhoek announced its new fee structure, effective 1 July 2023. The fee structure considers the current economic outlook, and the impact of rising inflation and introduces relief for clients in key areas. “Our pricing philosophy rewards customers who transact on electronic and self-help channels as this reduces costs. It is therefore important for customers...