Tag: top10

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Nam behaal 5de uit top-10 Afrika-beleggingsbestemmings

Nam behaal 5de uit top-10 Afrika-beleggingsbestemmings

Nam behaal 5de uit top-10 Afrika-beleggingsbestemmings Namibië se stabiele politieke klimaat word gewoonlik gesien as ‘n aanduiding van beleggingsgeleenthede. Namibië is deur ‘n toonaangewende sosiale media webtuiste, Africa Facts Zone, aangewys as vyfde in sy lys van Afrikalande wat ‘n gesonde beleggings omgewing het. Plaaslike ekonoom Gabriel Erastus sê Namibië was lank voor die ontdekking...

Namibia: Top-10 Finish for Namibia During Bioblitz

Namibia: Top-10 Finish for Namibia During Bioblitz

Namibia recently joined the rest of the world’s southern hemisphere for the Great Southern Bioblitz event, finishing the challenge in 10th place out of 138 projects from over 20 countries, and in the sixth position out of the 37 projects registered in southern Africa. The leading project was Overstrand, located in the Western Cape in...

Top-10 finish for Namibia during bioblitz

Top-10 finish for Namibia during bioblitz

Namibia recently joined the rest of the world’s southern hemisphere for the Great Southern Bioblitz event, finishing the challenge in 10th place out of 138 projects from over 20 countries, and in the sixth position out of the 37 projects registered in southern Africa. The leading project was Overstrand, located in the Western Cape in...

Rooibos Pantone haal New York modeweek as top-10 kleur

Rooibos Pantone haal New York modeweek as top-10 kleur

Rooibos Pantone haal New York modeweek as top-10 kleur Die Rooibosraad sê Rooibos Pantone is aangekondig as een van die top tien kleure in die Modekleur-tendensverslag vir Lente 2024 by die New Yorkse modeweek. Pantone LLC, die wêreldwye gesagsliggaam oor kleure en die verskaffer van die professionele kleurstandaarde vir die ontwerpbedryf, het Rooibos Pantone uit...