Tag: Trust

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ReconAfrica lieg, sê Trust – Kosmos 94.1

ReconAfrica lieg, sê Trust – Kosmos 94.1

ReconAfrica lieg, sê Trust Die Economic and Social Justice Trust het gereageer op berigte dat ReconAfrica ‘n reuse-teoretiese hupstoot gekry met ‘n onafhanklike verslag deur Netherlands Sewell and Associates wat daarop dui dat daar 3,4 miljard vate olie in die Kavango-bekken kan wees. Rob Parker van die trust, sê die maatskappy lieg vir Namibiërs en...

Spreek siklus van intergenerasie-armoede aan, vra trust

Spreek siklus van intergenerasie-armoede aan, vra trust

Spreek siklus van intergenerasie-armoede aan, vra trust Die buurland se regering word dringend gevra om intergenerasie-armoede onder die Suid-Afrikaanse jeug doeltreffend aan te spreek. Volgens statistiek is volwassenes wat tydens hul kinderjare arm was, meer geneig om as volwassenes steeds in armoede vasgeval te bly. Die uitvoerende hoof van die DG Murray Trust, David Harrison,...


Do you trust your fellow employees? Gondwana teaches how

Gondwana Collection Chief Executive, Gys Joubert recently welcomed the 2024 Go4Gold team of employees as they embark on their eventful journey of team building and leadership cultivation. “Our formula to success is rooted in our commitment to invest in our people and embrace a culture of transparency as the very foundation of our organisational philosophy....

Rebuilding Trust in the Genocide Negotiations

Rebuilding Trust in the Genocide Negotiations

A row between the Ovaherero Traditional Chiefs and the Namibian government over differences on how the 1904-1908 genocide is viewed has once again burst into the public domain. At issue is how the chiefs believe an apology and reparations should be handled in negotiations with the German government. This is reflected in a formal communication...

ReconAfrica moet mense vergoed, sê trust

ReconAfrica moet mense vergoed, sê trust

ReconAfrica moet mense vergoed, sê trust Nie almal is opgewonde oor Reconnaissance Energy Africa wat weer goedkeuring by die myne en energie-ministerie gekry het om sy eksplorasie-werk in die Kavango-sedimentêre kom in die noordooste van die land te hervat nie. Kosmos 94.1 Nuus het met Renaani Musutua, ‘n medewerker by die Ekonomiese en Sosiale Geregtigheidstrust,...

Halaal Trust sertifiseer nie meer Israel se goedere nie

Halaal Trust sertifiseer nie meer Israel se goedere nie

Halaal Trust sertifiseer nie meer Israel se goedere nie Die Moslem Regterlike Raad se Halaal Trust in die buurland sê hulle het ʼn beleid aanvaar om nie goedere en dienste uit Israel te sertifiseer nie. Dit is ʼn poging om alle Israelse maatskappye en produkte te boikot. Dit sal na verwagting groot plaaslike en internasionale...

Bank Windhoek attributes resilience to customer trust, loyalty – Business Express

Bank Windhoek attributes resilience to customer trust, loyalty – Business Express

Bank Windhoek’s Executive Officer of Retail Banking Services and Specialist Finance, James Chapman, said that the BRICS alliance nations have shown remarkable resilience in facing challenges, adapting and prospering in an ever-changing world. Similarly, he said, Bank Windhoek has weathered several economic storms in its more than 40-year history as the only 100% Namibian-owned Bank....


Delta community threatens legal action over exclusion from trust fund

An oil producing community, Aja-Omaetan in Warri North Local Government Area of Delta has threatened to sue Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL) if it is excluded from the oil giant’s planned Host Community Development Trust Fund (HCDTF). The community, therefore, urged the authorities of the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) and the Nigerian...

Trust fund misses 100 percent sanitation goal – Windhoek Observer

Trust fund misses 100 percent sanitation goal – Windhoek Observer

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Trust Fund for Regional Development and Equity Provision has not met its ambitious 100 percent target for delivering basic sanitation and municipal services in the towns of Helao Nafidi and Divindu. This was highlighted in Auditor General Junias Kandjeke’s report for the financial years ending March 31, 2021, and 2022, which was...