Walvis traffic department needs manpower

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Walvis traffic department needs manpower

The Walvis Bay municipality chief of traffic, Eben Platt, says they need more manpower to control drivers at the town.

Platt said that as the town continues to grow, problems like taxi operators and truck drivers parking illegally in undesignated areas are increasing.

Passengers commuting between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund have been complaining about violent behaviour at the taxi rank, as the drivers grab them.

Other motorists have also been complaining that taxis are blocking the roads at the Walvis Bay-Swakopmund taxi rank.
“We made a presentation before the council about two months ago stating that we need more officers. We currently have two officers working in the morning and two in the afternoon, as we also have to look after the school children who walk to school in the dark. We cannot be everywhere all the time, especially at the taxi rank where there is always trouble. We patrol there, but can unfortunately not be there the whole day. They wait for us to leave and start all over again,” he said.

He also said there is a problem with trucks that park everywhere around town.

“There is a need for a truck port in this town, where trucks can be parked safely. Residents complain of noise pollution when trucks that park on narrow streets in residential areas hoot or start their engines when they are sleeping. It is also an accident risk for other motorists.”

Taxi commuters between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay say they panic when approaching the taxi rank.

“They (taxi drivers) just start running towards people, pulling them and taking their bags. I work in Walvis and have to travel back to Swakopmund. I once hurt my thumb badly because one pulled my bag and I was trying g to hold onto it,” said Laina Jonas.

“I sit in a taxi for hours, waiting for other customers, because I end up being the only one. When you get to a taxi, you find other people inside. As soon as you sit down, they all jump out and you realise that you were tricked,” said Ben Hauseb.

Walvis Bay councillor Ryan Gordon showed up at the Walvis Bay-Swakopmund taxi rank on Monday.
“Somebody asked me to get involved, because it is getting out of hand. I talked to the driver, because one lady got hurt. I will talk to the traffic department and discuss with fellow councillors how this issue can be solved,” he said

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