World Wetlands Day commemoration in Opuwo

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World Wetlands Day commemoration in Opuwo

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, together with its partners, will be joining the rest of the world in commemorating World Wetlands Day and World Water Day.

This year’s commemoration of these two significant days will be hosted in the town of Opuwo from March 12th to March 14th.

Wetlands Day is an environment-related celebration that dates back to 1971, when several environmental groups gathered to reaffirm their commitment to protect and love wetlands.

The Deputy Director for Water Basin Management at the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Ndina Nashipili, says that the day serves to highlight the positive aspects that wetlands have on the world and brings communities together for the benefit of Mother Nature.

The day is also aimed at raising global awareness of the importance of wetlands to people and the planet.

“All over the world, water is recognised as a catalyst for development, but at the same time, it is also seen as a potential for conflict. There is a belief that the next war will be about water, but we are promoting water for peace by using it as a tool to enhance corporations’ misuse of shared water resources.” 

The day will be commemorated under the theme Wetlands and Human Wellbeing, to highlight how all aspects of human well-being—physical, mental, and environmental—are tied to the world’s wetlands.

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